If you are one of those people who has always dreamed of going on a cruise and visiting Alaska then this is an excellent time to combine those two aspirations and take a cruise to Alaska. And if you’re one of those people who has considered it as a cruise destination and then just written it off, you should absolutely give it another look.


Alaska is one of the best cruise destinations that you can pick today. The reasons to go there now are easily more significant than the minor drawbacks of the time and money spent doing this. But you can save on flights if you’re savvy. Check out my flight-saving tips here. 




So You Want to Take a Cruise to Alaska — Here’s Where to Start


Alaska is the largest state in the US and its capital is the only one in the US that isn’t accessible by car. Icebergs, glaciers, and abundant wildlife are waiting for you to take a cruise to Alaska. Choose between enjoying a relaxing day or engaging in the many activities offered. Create your own adventure, here is how.


Pick Your Cruise Line


When looking at when to go to Alaska on a cruise, you will find that cruises are all squeezed into only 1/3 of the year as all cruises take place between mid-May and mid-September. With the level of demand and number of available cruise ships, this means there are usually plenty of available ships to choose from so you will have a number of cruise ships to pick between which gives you quite a few options to choose from.


Just make sure you book in advance so the ships don’t fill up before you pick one for your journey.


Alaska is One of the Most Multigenerational Destinations Available to Visit Today


You will find people of all ages and generations visiting Alaska all the time. Most people who go there follow the idea that there’s no reason to wait so they should visit now and there is no reason not to follow suit yourself. There are a vast number of activities available for people of all ages to enjoy so go there and enjoy them.


Cruise to alaska,


Ice & Wildlife Access


Alaska gives you an almost unheard-of chance to visit and interact with the ice and wildlife present there. You have unparalleled opportunities to see an iceberg or witness the wildlife in their native environment.


A cruise to Alaska gives you the chance to see everything from bears fishing for food to an otter wandering through the water. The chance to see the local environment up close is an excellent reason to take the chance.


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Shore Excursions


A trip to the shore is almost a requirement for any trip to Alaska. It gives you the chance to explore the area, check out fun activities and just wander around. There are plenty of fun and interesting things to do in Alaska that need a look and a cruise there is the perfect chance to do this.


Perfect Excuse for a Land Tour


The cruise is a big part of a trip to Alaska but you can’t experience the whole of Alaska from the deck of a cruise ship. It is, however, an excellent excuse to go there to tour the land and see the many incredible sights to be found in Alaska before returning home on your cruise ship.


If you’re going to be in Alaska, it’s worth it to check out the area beyond simply what you can see from aboard a cruise ship. Give it a look and you will almost certainly enjoy the experience. There is something to do for any activity level and any age.


Take one of many thrilling opportunities to kayak, ice climb, or hike. Make memories on a whale watching tour and educate yourself about the different cultures and interesting history. 


Cruise to alaska,


A Historic Time


Not too long ago, it was the two-century-long anniversary of the acquisition of Alaska as a US.territory. It wasn’t exactly a celebrated decision at the time and was seen as a waste of money. While the anniversary period has passed, it’s still recent enough to visit in commemoration of that and let the post-200th anniversary get some more positivity than the acquisition itself did.


It Won’t Stay the Same Forever


Despite what some people say, global warming is a thing and will see Alaska’s landscape irrevocably altered in the future. Glaciers are melting and the natural habitats of some local species are fading away as a result.


Alaska is not going to remain as it is forever. Now is as good a time as any to pay it a visit — before the landscape is too changed to be recognized as being the way it once was.


A visit and cruise to Alaska is something that you should find time to do soon. There are quite a few reasons for this but the bottom line is that now is as good a time as any.


Don’t wait and put it off or say that you’ll do it in a few years; go now! Celebrity Alaska Cruise is an experience like no other so go ahead and treat yourself to one. 



Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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