Shih Tzu mixes have more options than letters in the alphabet. Some estimates put popular combinations near 40.


According to the American Kennel Club, Shih Tzus has been around for over 1,000 years! Talk about an almost ancient breed of pup. These little dogs originated in Tibet. Shih Tzu mixes have been growing in popularity!


They were often given to Chinese royalty as the cutest gifts you could ever imagine!


They are described as being playful and affectionate, albeit a little stubborn. They’re best known for their tiny bodies and luxurious coat!


Shih Tzu means “little lion” which makes sense because of the luxurious “manes” they grow around their faces! They make great family dogs with consistent training and positive reinforcement.


There are so many different types of Shih Tzu mixes that would make a great family dog! The breed was popular for U.S. soldiers to bring home to America after wars, so it’s natural that mixes would begin to form.


Then, unofficial mixing gives any beloved mutt a bit of Shih Tzu lineage. While the latter is challenging to document and discern, many of the most popular Shih Tzu mixes have already been established.


So what are the cutest Shih Tzu mixes?


Popular breed mixes for Shih Tzu include the Shih-Poo, the Cava-Tzu, the Aussie-Tzu, and the Shih-Mo.


Each blend of breed offers something a little unique in addition to the standard qualities that are beloved of a Shih Tzu, such as an astute personality and love for activities.


Want to learn even more about some of the cutest Shih Tzu mixes? We’ve detailed everything to know about six of our favorite Shih Tzu mixes below.


So, if you’re dying to learn more about these unique doggies, be sure to sit, stay, and read on for more about the best Shih-Tzu mixes around.

shih tzu

The Cutest Shih Tzu Mixes

The Shih-Poo (Mixes a Shih Tzu and Toy Poodle)

First up on our list of the cutest Shih Tzu mixes would be the Shih-Poo. This Shih Tzu-Poodle hybrid is tiny. Also known as a Pooshi or Shoodle, these dogs can pack a lot of love in a small package.


Thanks to the diminutive size of the toy poodle. (Toy poodle maxes at around 10 inches in height and 10 pounds in weight.)


While reasonably active, this mix is still suitable for apartments thanks to its small size—as long as a little fluff ball running about isn’t a bother.


The downsides are that these dogs are prone to chronic health conditions (such as dry skin or ear issues), as are many Shih Tzu mixes.


However, taking care with preventive grooming can help keep these problems from developing into more significant issues for a pup’s health.


It would be best to keep this type of mix on a regular grooming schedule either with a reputable dog groomer or regular bathing and cutting of the hair yourself.

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The Cava-Tzu

The next mix on our list is the Cava-Tzu, which is a mix between King Charles Spaniels and a Shih Tzu. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are beloved for their adorable puppy-dog looks and athletic nature.


So, it should be no surprise that a Cava-Tzu is such a fantastic choice for pet parents looking for a Shih Tzu mix with a little more stamina and energy.


The only caveat for Cava-Tzus is that they need to be socialized young to be a good family dog.


Combine this need with their adorable looks when young, and the Cava-Tzu is one of the more popular puppy types today.


If you ever see Cava-Tzu puppies for sale, don’t hesitate to inquire for more information, as they likely won’t be around for long.