There are two main reasons why people do not travel more. Some people just don’t have the time. After all, they have to take days off from work, and even outside of it, their absence may be felt in their social circle.
The second reason is the fact that traveling is often expensive. Even if we discard the fact that you’re usually not earning money while traveling, you’re paying for accommodation (which is proportionally often more expensive than your daily rent), spending more on food (usually no home-cooking meals), etc. Not to mention that people who travel tend to be a bit more generous than they would be back at home. But there are ways to save money while traveling.
Keep reading for the top six ways to help you save money while traveling.
Save Money While Traveling
1. Use a VPN to avoid price discrimination
The first thing you need to understand is the concept of price discrimination. Local businesses that have the option to book online sometimes track your GPS location and charge you more if they recognize that you’re coming from a rich country.
This means that you’ll end up paying more for the same service. This is nothing new or uncommon; after all, even offline businesses are known for charging tourists more because they know they can afford it.
You should never agree to this.
After all, you’re getting the exact same deal, product, or service and paying more for it (more than you have to).
The best way to avoid it is to use a VPN. This way, you conceal your true location and get to see if there’s any price discrepancy.
You don’t even have to do this while at home; you could do it while you’re already there. According to Nick Saraev from Techopedia, by checking out the best mobile VPN for every device, you’ll be able to do extensive research and avoid any geo-restrictions, both of which are detrimental when trying to save money on your travel.
2. Prioritize online entertainment
Another thing you can do is prioritize online entertainment instead of pursuing it locally. Local entertainment can be incredibly expensive. Even if it is not expensive, you may not have a firm grasp on the local currency, which means that you might end up spending more money just because you’ve underestimated the strength of the currency.
Sure, you’re traveling to see new things and explore new options, but going to a local cinema instead of watching a movie on your Max app is not a wise way to use your resources. You can even watch it at a local beach, thus getting the most out of a beautiful setting.
There are also scenarios where it’s both cheaper and safer to do an activity online. For instance, there are so many crypto-gambling sites that will make wagering available even if it’s not locally. Moreover, you will save so much money on drinks and tips if you play online, compared to what it would cost you to do at the casino.