Cats are domestic animals that are companions to humans in their homes. They’re very beautiful creatures that can live as long as 16 years. So, it makes sense that you would want to give them healthy cat food.


Cats mostly like to be left alone. They tend to stay in a comfortable corner where they can just lounge around all day. Sometimes, cats like to play when given dangling and moving toys.


Usually, cats are very energetic when they’re younger, but as they grow older, they tend to become lazier. Wanting to be alone, cats can become very irritable when they’re continuously being disturbed.


Cats can be very demanding creatures. They eat different types of cat food and are generally noisy when they’re hungry, meowing loudly until you give them what they want. 


cat eating catfood

The Best Cat Food

What Cats Generally Eat


As mentioned, there are different kinds of cat food available in the market. Cats are carnivores, which means they need meat to survive.


They can eat any type of meat, except for those that are raw and spoiled. However, if you choose to give your cat a plant-based diet, it might not fare very well for them. So, what is healthy cat food?


How to Feed Cats


The way you feed your cat and what you need to give them will have to vary as they grow. They can adopt different types of diets that will suit them according to their needs.


Basically, a kitten at 6 months until adulthood should be fed twice a day. Likewise, adult cats over a year old will do great when fed once or twice a day.


However, you also need to switch things up from time to time, as cats easily get tired of eating the same food over and over again. Try feeding them a variety of cat food every two weeks so they don’t completely ignore their food.


Let’s also not forget that senior cats exist. Once cats become old, they need to follow a set regimen or schedule for feeding to ensure that their nutritional needs are still being met.


Of course, if your cat is getting older and experiencing some issues, there are proper kinds of cat food for inflammatory bowel disease. This will help alleviate whatever they’re going through and help them expel waste easier from their body.


Different Types of Cat Food


There are basically five different types of cat food. As a pet owner, you’re allowed to decide what you think is best for your cat, along with what is prescribed by a veterinarian.


  • Complete food – Complete cat food provides as the name indicates. It is complete in vitamins and minerals your cat needs to stay healthy. 

  • Complimentary food – Complementary food is a mix of wet cat food and treats. However, complementary food is not enough to feed your cat daily, as this does not have all the required nutrients needed for your cat’s nourishment.

  • Wet food – Wet cat food is the kind you typically find in cans. It usually helps to make your cat’s hair lusher and healthier, and there’s a variety of wet food currently available in the market.

  • Dry food – If you’re not familiar with dry cat food, this is the kind you can find in bags. It is generally more convenient as it does not spoil easily and can be bought in bulk.

  • Treats – Just like dog treats, cat treats serve the purpose of being rewards for your pet for learning a trick. For cats, however, you can give them a treat for being active during the daytime since they’re always lying down.