If you’re looking for ways to make a family vacation fun you’d be surprised that it’s not that hard to incorporate elements of adventure into your trip. While some people are happy to go on holiday somewhere sunny, sit on a beach and enjoy as much local food and drink as possible, and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes you just need to shut out the world, relax and take a moment or two to recharge your batteries. 


However, sometimes you need more. Sometimes you need a little bit of adventure. A chance to throw caution to the wind and experience something new and exciting. After all, these are the moments that make for the best travel stories and memories. What’s more, you can be adventurous in so many ways – it doesn’t have to mean skydiving or whitewater rafting; there is an activity for everyone. Here are some ideas on how to make a family vacation fun. And remember, if you’re interested in more travel tips from me, be sure to subscribe so you never miss a post!


Day of the Dead in Mexico with Kids, make a family vacation fun
My son with the staff from Xcaret Park


Make a Family Vacation Fun By Adding Adventurous Opportunities


Meet and Eat with the Locals 


You may think that you are experiencing the local culture when you eat at a restaurant recommended by your tour guide or holiday company, but more than likely you are eating in one of the tourist hotspots. To really get a taste, so to speak, of local cuisine, you need to eat with the locals – even better if you can do so in one of their homes as you are likely to be able to try recipes that have been passed down through generations. Yum. 


hotel xcaret mexico, make a family vacation fun


You might even be lucky enough to gain some local insight into other places and attractions that most visitors will never see. 


Flam Norway, make a family vacation fun
Take an awesome trip on the Flam Railway the most scenic in all of Norway.


Embrace Public Transportation


This might not seem super exciting, but avoiding car rental or taxis can be one of the easiest ways to find yourself on an adventure whilst visiting a new place. One of the main reasons being that when taking public transport, you are probably going to get lost – and this is a good experience for you to have. Exploring the unknown is exciting (as long as you stay safe), and you are more likely to find new places and meet new people than if you stayed in the most popular, touristy areas. 


hotel xcaret mexico
A place like Hotel Xcaret in Mexico is a great example of relaxation and adventure all in one!


Look for a Combination Holiday 


If you really can’t bear the thought of a holiday without the sound of crashing waves and cocktails with little umbrellas in them, but you also want to experience a little bit of adventure, then pick a destination that combines the two. A Tanzania holiday offers the chance to sit back and relax on a beautiful beach by the Indian Ocean as well as the opportunity to experience their world class wildlife on a safari of a lifetime. 


Day of the Dead in Mexico with Kids, make family vacation fun
My son takes a moment to pose with a Calaca at the Day of the Dead Festival at Xcaret in Mexico.


Experience Local Festivals


Getting involved in a festival at your chosen destination is the ideal way to learn about the country’s culture and traditions. With festivals, the first thought that probably comes to mind is music, and yes, there are some amazing music festivals across the globe, but there are so many more different types of festivals that you can enjoy. From religious to sporting to dancing; your options are endless. Local festivals also give you the chance to meet more local people and find out about their beliefs and heritage. 


Nidaros Cathedral Trondheim, make family vacation fun
In Trondheim, we enjoyed exploring the architecture.


Set a Family Challenge 


Make a family vacation fun and even thrilling by setting a personal challenge for the duration of your stay. This doesn’t have to be a daunting pursuit such as climbing Kilimanjaro (although that should be on your bucket list); instead, focus on a subject or activity you or your family members are passionate about or something you have always wanted to study. For example, challenge yourself to visit every architectural building of significance in the city you are staying in, or eat in every vegan restaurant that you can find. By challenging yourself, you are more likely to follow through with your plans and experience more. 


Are you feeling more adventurous? Go on then, book your next holiday now and embrace the unknown! Follow these tips on how to make a family vacation fun and you’ll be well on your way to an epic adventure that will be remembered for decades. 


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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