If you’re going to pack for travel to Peru there are some things you really need to know before your bags hit the beltway. Peru is a very diverse country when it comes to climate and weather. It can get a bit confusing as to what to pack and how to plan a trip.


Even though this country has a lot to offer in terms of natural beauty and adventure, it’s always a good idea to do some research beforehand in order to make your trip worth the time and money.


Peru Rainforest
Photo by Hans Luiggi on Unsplash


Things to Pack for Travel to Peru That Will Keep You Comfortable


If you’re thinking about traveling to Peru for that adventure of a lifetime, such as taking Cusco tours daily, take note that there are a few very important things to pack for travel to Peru.


While it may seem obvious that you’ll want to pack necessities, there is something that many people forget about in their planning. Especially once you get caught up with how busy life is, it’s inevitable that you may forget to bring certain things.


To help you out, here are some things to consider for your travels.


Machu Picchu, Peru
Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash


Is Travel to Peru Worth the Visit?


Honestly, if you like traveling then every place is worth a visit. Moreover, if you happen to like historical places then you’ll love visiting here. After all, it’s home to Machu Picchu, an ancient Incan city full of fascinating history and myth.


Of course, many people think that that is the only thing worth checking out here. On the contrary, there are plenty of more places, as well as the cities that you can visit here.


With quite a range in its climate, you’ll be sure to have a memorable time here. In fact, why wait any longer when you can book online flights from the comfort of your home? Okay, maybe that’s the sloth in me talking but it’s more convenient that way.


Pack for travel to Peru, Inca Trail


If You Plan on Hiking During Your Peruvian Adventure


If you plan on having an adventure by hiking the Inca trail or explore the rainforests, then you must have the following items: 


Hiking Boots

It goes without saying that when you’re hiking or trekking, normal shoes just don’t cut it. And if you’re a bit sensitive like me then bring along some Band-Aids to protect your ankles from being abused.


Try to find a good durable and water-resistant pair.


Cargo Pants

I personally love these simply because they have a lot of pockets and are so durable! You can also get proper hiking pants. Just make sure they’re comfortable and flexible.


Cargo pants also allow you to keep your things handy, freeing you from a heavy backpack.


Hobby Ideas


Spare Pair of Socks


I do this one because I abhor dirty or wet socks. Plus it’s only natural that our feet will sweat when we walk long distances.


Simply bring a spare pair to stay fresh and avoid any nasty rashes or smells.


Pack for travel to Peru, Peru Rainforest


Exploring the Rainforests – Pack These Items


Here are the items you will need to pack for travel to Peru if you plan to adventure into the rainforest during your trip. You’ll need to pack these items for a smooth trek.


Rain Jacket


The wet atmosphere is unpredictable so bring along a comfy rain jacket. It’s said that even if you’re simply trekking in Peru outside of the rainforests, you should still keep a rain jacket on you.


It’s no fun if your group is dry and happy while you trudge along like a wet towel.


Long-Sleeved Tops


Watch out for mosquitoes! The best and simple way to keep them at bay is to wear long-sleeved tops or shirts.


Similarly, you can bring a cardigan that covers your arms but if you’re feeling too warm, you can simply take it off.


Pack for travel to Peru, huayhuash Peru


What to Pack for Travel to Peru if You’re Going to Explore the Mountains 


There is a lot of diversity when it comes to terrain in Peru. If you plan to go hiking or have a rain forest adventure add these items to the list of things you need to pack for travel to Peru.


Thermal Leggings


The higher you climb the colder it’ll get so I suggest that you wear some thermal leggings to avoid numb legs or general muscle pains due to the cold.


An Extra Jacket

You can get it in a bigger size so it fits you despite the clothes you’ll be wearing already. I personally took along a fleece material jacket which was like being wrapped in a soft blanket.


Weatherproof Socks


Yes, these things exist. If you can’t find them then wear a nice warm woolen pair and keep a spare one handy. The moisture in the air, as well as sweaty feet, can make your feet extremely cold.


A Beanie


Cold wind on your forehead is a sure way to get a nasty headache where you feel like your eyes are about to pop out. Simply get a good woolen beanie and make sure to cover your forehead.


Outdoor Adventure


General Items to Make Your Adventure to Peru More Comfortable


Bug Spray


Another item you must pack for travel to Peru and keep on you at all times is bug spray. The mosquitoes in Peru are merciless in most places.


I was lucky that one of my friends shared hers with me otherwise I was sure to be drained of all my blood by the end of my vacation.


Enough Change Of Clothes


Apart from the clothing specifics enumerated above, depending on the kind of activity you’re planning to do in Peru, you’ll also need to have enough change of clothes.


It can either be too hot, or too cold, so it’s always best to check the weather before you’re going. Be prepared to have layers of clothing.


If you’re staying in Peru for long and you’re worried about the luggage restrictions limit or if you have to pack light, don’t forget to bring laundry soap, so you can wash your clothes.


Some hotels have this service, but they can be expensive. If you’re staying in an apartment, you’ll have more leeway to wash your clothes every day. That way, you won’t have to worry too much about bringing too many clothes.



Most places in Peru are quite sunny so it’s a good idea to pack some stylish pair of sunglasses. At SmartBuyGlasses you can find a wide variety of eyewear, from trendy sunglasses to prescription eyewear at good prices.


travel insurance for Canadians
You never know what can happen when you’re traveling.


First Aid Kit


A first aid kit is another thing that you must pack for travel to Peru. Whether you’re exploring the rainforests or going for a hike, keep this with you. Tiny cuts and bruises are pretty common. While they’re insignificant, it isn’t wise to simply leave them be. Make sure your kit is compact and not that difficult to carry around.


Depending on your personal needs, the contents of your emergency kit will largely differ. Hence, you’ve got to ensure that you factor these all in so you’re sure not to miss out on anything essential.


If you’ve got prescription medicines, you also have to remember to bring these along with you. Count the number of days you’re going to be in Peru, and then add extra for a day or two just in case of unforeseen circumstances.


Along this line, do make it a point to bring the proper prescription documents signed by your doctor for all of the prescription medicines you’re bringing along with you.


Some airport authorities might be strict and interrogate you about the medicines that you’re bringing.


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Waterproof Camera


Don’t let a little water stop you stop taking pictures. There are many cool brands available. Of course, this is if you’re into photography. Also take along extra SD cards because hey, some memories are worth capturing with a snap.


A Light Jacket


Or a pullover or even a hoodie. The weather in Peru is very unpredictable and changes quite suddenly. You can be having a warm afternoon but then while you’re having lunch it may start raining outside.


With hail. Catching the flu while you’re traveling is never fun to take necessary precautions.


Stay Hydrated


The high-altitude places in Peru will dehydrate you so always keep a full water bottle with you. Similarly, keep a moisturizer as well as a lip balm to fight off dryness and chapped lips. I found roaming around in the sun pretty tiring too.


Take breaks and perhaps have some fresh juice to stay hydrated and fresh. 


water bottles


Dry Bag


This one is only for the more adventurous endeavors. If you carry around sensitive electronics or a journal then invest in a dry bag to keep your belongings safe and dry.


A Smartwatch with a GPS


If you’re an adventurer, you should invest in it regardless of where you’re going. It’ll prevent you from getting long and work as a digital compass.


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash




I know, I just mentioned the digital counterpart of it. But keep in mind that having physical items is always a plus. What if your watch gets damaged or runs out of battery?


With a physical compass, you won’t be lost. Plus it adds to the style points.


You don’t want to blindly pack for travel to Peru. You could really end up hating life pretty quickly because it’s a place that could very easily take you out of your comfort zone.


But you will be rewarded with some of the most beautiful locations filled with wildlife and adventure.


You might find it challenging to acclimate to the new environment, but you don’t have to be miserable. Just follow this guide and make sure you have everything you need for your outdoor excursions. 



Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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