Hello, 21st century! Manufactured homes have captured many people’s attention thanks to their attractive design, low maintenance, and affordability, etc. Looking for a new adventure? You might be wondering about buying a manufactured home.


Anyone who’s looking to escape the normal cost for a traditional house but also needs more space is definitely going to love living in a manufactured home.


Even though people became more and more interested in buying these manufactured houses, it’s important to take into consideration some unique factors before signing the papers. In this article, you’ll find the most important facts you need to know about manufactured homes


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Buying a Manufactured Home 


There is no big difference between a traditional and manufactured house, yet you’ll need a higher credit score and higher interest rates. Lenders consider that manufactured homes are more like private property, not real estate.


Lenders’ opinions about financing manufactured homes for homebuyers are changing lately because today’s manufactured homes have higher quality than they used before.


The interest for manufactured homes increased a lot, as banks and home manufacturers provide more loans and mortgages to homebuyers. Also, the appearance of the property can affect funding a manufactured home.


A homeowner can have the chance to get a normal mortgage and lower interest rates growth if the home is qualitative, the owner possesses the land, and fixes the home on permanent groundwork. 


Feature Photo by Curtis Adams from Pexels


doormat home
Photo by Kelly Lacy from Pexels

Manufactured Homes


Manufactured home constructors already know that people want to live in a beautiful, spacious home with good-quality fixtures and upgrades.


With hardwood floors, interesting designs, and granite counters, it would be impossible for a buyer to resist not to invest in a manufactured home. Another important aspect you should consider is that manufacturers do not sell houses with the land.


You’ll need to own the land and a foundation to put the house on it. Living in a neighborhood with manufactured homes provides people with a beautiful environment.


Although it makes it harder to get a mortgage, renting land can lower the initial down payment required to secure funding. Purchasing land to put a manufactured home on it may cost a lot more upfront and involves important research before buying it.


Home insurance is also available for manufactured homes, as this will cover any damage made due to many factors, such as natural disasters. Florida manufactured home insurance provides many services for your manufactured home.


All you need to do is contact your local agent and get all the information needed.


buying a manufactured home, home interior
Image source CCL 


The Design and Interior of Manufactured and Mobile Homes


The exterior design of manufactured homes can match any style but the interior design is just as attractive. If you thought that manufactured homes are cheap-looking houses, you’re totally wrong. They’re actually much more good-looking and interesting than normal, traditional houses.


These manufactured houses have big windows with beautiful views, high-end details, and spacious rooms. That’s why the popularity of these houses increased so much lately.


The kitchen provides all the necessary utilities, living rooms with fireplaces, and stylish flooring.


Investing in manufactured home insurance in Florida can offer you many advantages, including the fact that you don’t have to wait anymore to build a house.


Besides the fact that they can last as long as traditionally-constructed homes, you’ll have the chance to move into your new home faster. 


buying a manufactured home, home interior
Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels


Are Manufactured Homes a Good Investment?


Manufactured homes are a very good investment, as already mentioned above. There are a lot of good reasons why you should choose to move into these beautiful houses.


Many people decide to move after a while, so it’s best if you choose to stay in a manufactured home because they hold their value just like any other house.


However, the point is that manufactured homes are not expensive and are perfectly made for those who admire the simplicity and modern homes. Many people have realized that manufactured homes are the best alternatives when it comes to choosing your new home.


So, is it worth investing in a manufactured home? The many benefits that these houses provide are going to make you want to relocate now. Are these manufactured homes affordable? Usually, a manufactured home costs less than an average house.


For people who want to buy their first home, manufactured houses are ideal, especially if their budget is limited. Also, the quality of these houses is very good because they’re built in factories that have high standards and provide excellent services.


There’s no doubt you’ll be pleasantly surprised about these homes. The installation can be done in less than 3 months, while traditional homes can take up to 5 or 6 months. Another important fact is that manufactured homes are insulated both in the walls and under the building.


Manufactured homes are eco-friendly and energy-efficient. 


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Photo by bongkarn thanyakij from Pexels


How Much Does a Manufactured Home Cost?


The costs range from $15,000 to over $50,000. Consider that when you buy a manufactured home, you need to pay additional costs, too. This includes property taxes, home insurance, land costs, and other related bills.


After buying a manufactured home, the investor will take into consideration where to place the home and if you have the land already. A manufactured home placed in a good position will help you get a good return on investment.


In Closing


There are a lot of aspects you should expect and be ready for, such as mistakes that can happen along your journey. But to avoid them, you should carefully choose a good company that can make the whole process of moving a manufactured home a lot easier for you.


However, in case you decided to let the company be in charge of everything, you should be prepared for extra costs. 


So, are manufactured homes a good investment? Buying a manufactured home can be a great investment if done properly. Decor Fácil  can help you weigh in pros and cons not already discussed. Before you decide to sign the documents and buy it, take your time and think about the investment you’re going to make.


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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