There is a bumper sticker slogan that says, “Don’t Quit Your Day Dream.” As corny as that may sound, you could pick a worse formula to guide you in making choices for things to do in 2020.
So, what is on your bucket list for this year? What would you want to do if you knew this was going to be your last year on earth?
Things To Do In 2020
Travel More
By all means, get out and travel more. This is probably the most popular bucket list ingredient around, and for good reason. Travel more, and you broaden your horizons.
You see new ways of doing things, and you learn points of view that you normally wouldn’t consider. If you’re on a tight budget, that’s okay; you don’t have to go far.
Start by just going across town and work your way up from there. When you can visit big cities and small towns in other states.
Take guided tours, unguided tours, and custom tours. See the rivers, mountains, woods, and oceans. Take a trip to someplace where they speak a different language than you. It’ll all make your life richer, and isn’t that the point of having a bucket list?
Talk to Someone New
Get out of your comfort zone and talk to someone you’ve never talked to before. This could be as challenging as starting a conversation with someone you find attractive, or as easy as just saying “hi” to the mailman.
Not sure what to say? Try the old bartender’s trick and ask them how their day is going. Talking to someone new might be the easiest of all the things you decide to do in 2020.