People love to travel for all kinds of reasons, but for veteran travelers, there is an itch that we want to scratch between chaos and order. There is a feeling we get when we get out of a bind and find ourselves on a beautiful beach in a conversation with an interesting person.


Still, no one wants their trip to be ruined so we prepare ahead for these moments. You can’t plan for everything that will go wrong when you are traveling—especially abroad—but what you can do is make travel preparations that could really save you.


Below are five travel preparations that you can take that will save you when you’re in a bind.

travel preparations

Travel Preparations Every Savvy Traveler Knows

Separate Your Cash

Probably one of the biggest concerns and travel preparations lies around money because it goes without saying that you will need cash when you are traveling. Whether you are converting USD into another currency or are paying with it, it’s necessary to bring legal tender with you.


Some countries don’t take credit or have debit machines readily available. There are, however, inherent risks to traveling with a lot of cash. This is why you should make sure to separate what you have.


There are all kinds of scenarios where this will save you. You could lose your wallet. You could get in an accident and need cash for the hospital. In corrupt countries, you need to bribe the police just for the smallest infraction.


Whatever the case, keeping some cash in a few hidden compartments can save you in desperate times. If you lose a wallet, a purse, a bag, or something else, you don’t want to lose all the cash you have. Another tip is to use small lockets to keep people out of compartments where cash is hidden.

travel preparations

Prepare Your Apple, Google, or Samsung Wallet

While it might not be readily available in a lot of countries, another precaution to take regarding money is to prepare your digital wallet. Whether you use Apple, Google, Samsung Pay, or another digital wallet, making sure you have your debit and credit cards available can come in clutch.


Whether you lose your wallet or bag, having the ability to pay with a digital means could save you from being stranded.


Furthermore, you can keep other vital information in this wallet. For example, adding an insurance card to an Apple wallet or another digital wallet can help you when you need it the most.


Depending on what insurance cards you can save, it’s important to have that information available should you need it. Find out what you can keep saved and save everything you can in your digital wallet before you leave.

travel preparations, travel documents

Make Copies of Important Documents

This one cannot be stressed enough. One of the most important travel preparations for any trip is to make copies of important documents.


You might not want to keep a bunch of papers in your bag but it’s worth it when you lose something, or a document is damaged. Start with your passport.


Make a few copies of your passport and put them into different areas of your luggage. Bonus Points for keeping them in a plastic zipper bag (like a snack bag).


You can even always keep one in your wallet or pocket. Beyond your passport, you should make hard copies of all your flights and accommodation stays.


Your phone might die, you might not have service, or you might just want to look at the piece of paper to get information about your reservations instead of going on your phone.


You should also copy insurance information and print important phone numbers you might need if your phone breaks.


There are many different types of documents that will come in handy when you’re gone. When in doubt, make copies of them.


You can keep all of these papers in a small binder in the laptop compartment of your bag. When you’re in a jam and need the information, you will be so happy you made copies of all that stuff.

travel preparations

Bring Over the Counter Medicines

You must not overlook medicine when it comes to travel preparations. One thing that will help you a lot when you need it the most is over-the-counter medications.


You should bring Tylenol, Aleve, Advil, and other things you can take when you find yourself not feeling well. It’s easy to get a headache on the road.


You are going through foreign places, in different time zones, and breathing different air. You never know when the ibuprofen will be just what you need. Jet lag, and allergies, can both be a nuisance when traveling. 


What about stomach issues? Bringing bulk pills with you will help stave off traveler’s diarrhea, but you can also bring antacids with you.


There are all kinds of over-the-counter drugs that you can bring with you on a trip. Just know the TSA rules and the customs laws of that country.


You can also rip off the label and throw it in with the pills to help anyone who might be skeptical understand what it is, assuming you’re putting them into a bag or case.

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Pack Items to Protect Your Skin

You’d be surprised how many people think they have thought of all travel preparations and then still forget to care for their skin. Inarguably a huge problem when it comes to traveling is skin irritation.


You should prepare your skin for the weather, you’re going to a different climate than you are used to. There are different weather conditions, and the humidity varies.


Bringing with you items that will prevent and treat skin issues is one of the travel preparations you will be glad you thought of. You won’t want to go buy the necessary creams and other products when you need them.


Some of the best preparatory items to bring are aloe vera lotion, anti-irritation cream, breathable underwear, and pants, sunscreen with a high SPF, and hats and sunglasses.


Not only do you want to protect your skin from the sun, but you also want to protect it from the elements. Putting in the effort to keep yourself dry, free from burns, and without irritation will go a long way in keeping yourself comfortable on any trip.

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Vitamins & Supplements

When you’re packing for a trip, you might not think about bringing vitamins and supplements with you, but you should. Keeping your body healthy is vital on any trip.


Not only will taking vitamin D and C keep you from getting sick, but you can also take supplements like fish oil to stave off inflammation and help your joints during long flights and other journeys.


Depending on your body and where you are going, there are plenty of vitamins and supplements that will keep you healthy in various conditions.


Take your vitamins and no news will be good news.

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In Closing

Travel preparations are important. Preparing for a trip of any kind is exciting, but it should also be thoughtful.


Packing light is incredibly important, but none of the travel preparations above take up that much space. It is simply remembering to do something or bring something.


It’s worth bringing with Advil which will mitigate a headache and vitamins that help you avoid getting sick. It’s worth making copies of documents. Separating your cash and having a digital wallet ready will save you in a bind.


You won’t be able to plan for everything that could go wrong on a trip, but if you have in mind what could help with regard to travel preparations, you will be doing everything you can.


When it’s time to plan for a trip, don’t focus so much on the entertainment you need. The trip is entertainment. Instead, think about the items that you will be glad to have in bad situations.


Then, you will come up with travel preparations to prevent the trip from falling apart. It’s time to start planning for your next trip!


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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