While camping out in the wild, you will find yourself in very different conditions from those in your home. You will not have prompt access to food, an internal heating or cooling system, or even a place to easily shower and wash up.


When this reality hits you, the idea of camping can be very stressful and even daunting. However, with proper preparation, you can still make your next camping trip a memorable one with some great camping tips. 


Here is a list of camping tips to remember while you are preparing to camp out in the wild.


wild camping in Sweden


Camping Tips To Try

Water Filters on the Go


Whenever you go out on a trip, taking a sufficient supply of water is one of the first things you do during the planning phase. Taking water with you is important, however, while you are camping, another objective of yours should be to pack lightly.


So, taking gallons of water is immediately ruled out as an option. A smart way around this is to take a portable filter, which is abundantly available on the market.


All you have to do is find a water supply and run in through your portable filter and you will have safe drinking water. This is one of the most important camping tips we can give!


Tim McKenna drinking from water bottle near stream


Cooking Stoves for Camping


No matter where you go, you will need to cook, to some extent, even instant noodles require boiling water. However, do not make the mistake of building an open fire, as they are a safety hazard.


What you can do instead is to bring a portable stove with you. That way, you will not have to carry a huge box of prepackaged or precooked food, and you will also be able to control the fire.


Camping with truck
Photo by The Digital Marketing Collaboration on Unsplash


The Matter of Food


In order to survive, you will have to think of your food arrangements, what to eat, and how to preserve them. While planning your menu, thinking of the weather conditions in which you will be camping in is important.


You should opt for eating foods which are rich in fat, especially if you are camping in a cold area because it will help you stay warm. On the other hand, if you are camping in a warm area, you should opt for light and refreshing food.


You should also avoid any raw food or any other type of food which usually upsets your stomach. Camping out in the wild means that you will be surrounded by nature, and animals are no exception to that.


When you go camping, be sure to bring some sealable containers, because if you leave your food out in the open, it might attract animals to your campsite. You definitely would not want that, especially if they are dangerous ones.


Camping with Friends
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash


Where to Sleep


A safe and comfortable sleeping arrangement should come next on your list. Even if you cut corners in other places while preparing for your trip, splurge on your camping gear.


Do not just purchase any tent. Do some research on the camping site and on the tents available on the market. The reason for this is that tents come in many different shapes and sizes.


You can even choose how waterproof you want your tent to be, which will come in handy if the campsite has wet grounds, or if it rains. Out in the wild, you will have to take a bit more preparation than just a blanket and a pillow.


If you don’t get a proper night’s rest, it will be difficult to enjoy the rest of the trip. Getting the perfect sleeping bag can be a game-changer. It’s also a good idea to bring a travel pillow with you during camping for added comfort. Unlike standard pillows, travel pillows are a lot smaller and handy, perfect for camping.


They range from different levels of insulation to even different body shapes, so you have many options to choose from. An alternative is travel hammocks, which are perfect for warm days under the stars and are definitely a lot more fun than sleeping bags.


Three Wishes Faerie Festival in Cornwall Photo by Natasha von Geldern


Bring Your Own First Aid Kit


Camping and the usual activities that take place on camping trips can get very dangerous sometimes. From small scrapes and cuts to full-fledged injuries, anything is possible.


So, make sure to be prepared and pack your own first aid kit full of medication, bandages, and ointments.


camping beautiful night sky
Photo by Pars Sahin on Unsplash


What to Wear


Your choice of apparel is a vital aspect, which will affect your experience while camping. It is best to be practical rather than fashionable while choosing your clothes.


Just like your tent, you should choose your clothes according to the condition of the campsite. If you are camping in a cold area, be sure to keep a windbreaker, hat, gloves, and socks.


You should also look into clothes tailored for different weather conditions, such as thermal underwear. Furthermore, you should also opt for thick clothes because walking around branches and trees can tear your clothes and they also work well as protection against bugs.


Don’t Forget to Pack SPF


Skincare might be the last thing on your mind when experiencing nature in its purest form. However, sunscreen has many benefits and will save you from more than just a bit of a sunburn.


So, be sure to squeeze in a bottle of sunscreen with a high SPF in your bag before you leave.


Camping Oeschinen Lake, Kandersteg, Switzerland
Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash


Keep the Bugs Away


The types of bugs and critters you will find in nature will be a lot different than the type you find in your home. Some of these insects can even be poisonous or could even carry diseases.


That is why you should carry a few bottles of insect-repelling ointment or sprays and be sure to reapply it frequently while you are out. You could even bring along an electric mosquito killing lamp.


Final Thoughts


One of the worst things to face while camping is not rain or injuries, but the lack of preparation for such scenarios. So, to make your next camping trip a memorable one, you can follow this guide to work your way through the basics of camping preparation.



Nia is an Associate Editor at The Fairytale Traveler and self diagnosed travel junkie. Having traveled to 5 of the 7 continents, her love of good food and culture is a force to be reckoned with. When she isn't off adventuring with her husband, which she writes about on her blog CircaWanderlust, she can be found with a good cup of tea cuddling her pups and taking pictures of her food. She loves black and white movies and could listen to Elvis on repeat.

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