10 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy & Fit on Valentine’s Day Trips


Travel can be a real downer for your fitness goal party. Take it from me. I’ve spent the last five years writing, traveling and gaining. But one has to be in tune with their health enough to take control, and this top ten list will help you do just that. Stephan Greco, the owner of Greco Fit, is a certified (ACE) personal trainer. I had the chance to ask him a few questions about wellness and how we can all pull it together this Valentine’s Day without sacrificing the wine and chocolate. Here’s what Stephan had to stay about staying fit on your romantic trip.


ways to stay healthy


Keep Healthy on Your Trips – Because Travel is Awesome But So is Wine and Chocolate


Who doesn’t love wine and chocolate? Especially on Valentine’s Day, am I right? These tips will help you stay on track and still indulge. If you’re looking for more travel tips, be sure to subscribe so you never miss a post! 


“What are the top 10 things people can do to stay fit on a Valentine’s Day trip without ever entering a gym and still eating chocolate and drinking wine?”


travel healthy drink and stay fit on trips


1. Be Sure to Pack the Right Equipment


With some small and lightweight equipment, you can really keep active. Items like resistance bands, exercise dice, a jump rope, and sliders are an excellent option for the hotel gym or hotel room gym for that matter.


2. Ignore the Elevators


Request a room on a high floor and only take the stairs! You’ll get a great cardio workout and an amazing view! I mean you can’t really go wrong because it’s a win, win.


fitness tips on travel for fit on trips


3. Get Your Blood Pumping and Your Muscles Flexing in the Morning


Workout early to jumpstart your metabolism. Plus it will give you lots of energy for the rest of your day. You’re going to be drinking wine and eating chocolate after all. You can do this by walking up those stairs! Maybe do 10 squats on each level.



Muscles Flexing in Morning


4. Have a Great Breakfast 


What you eat in the morning will help with cravings and give you the energy you need to tackle the day! Include eggs, oatmeal with raisins, and yogurt with fresh fruit, peanut butter and sliced banana on whole-wheat toast/bagel.


stick to your diet


5. Drink Water, I Repeat, Drink Water


Water fills you up and keeps you hydrated. You are sweet enough, so stay away from those sugary beverages. Plus, you want that wine and chocolate don’t you?


Drink Water


6. Eat Smart During the Day


No proper Valentine’s Day getaway is going to be without chocolate and wine, so be smart about how you eat during the day. There is no “honour” in the honour bar, as it’s full of overpriced empty calories.


Eat Smart


6. Pack Smart Snack for Your Day


Keep your metabolism chugging and keep hunger in check with smart healthy snacks. Go with reduced-fat string cheese, almonds, apples, protein bars, beef/turkey jerky. There are even some great cheese, nut and fruit packs available at most stores.


fitness class, yoga, stay fit on trips


7. Walk as Far and as Often as Possible


It’s Valentine’s Day so hold hands, sit on a bench and remember, kissing has burns calories too! Try to pick up the pace in your step, walk up hills as much as you can. Walking in the sand is also a great way to use muscles and burn extra calories.


8. Find Things to Do that Don’t Feel Like Exercise


Go dancing after dinner, How about a swim…How about skinny-dipping? Lifting your wine glass to your lips doesn’t count as exercise. I’m sorry.

Lifting your wine glass


9. No Romantic Getaway Would be Complete Without Romance


Get creative with positions that challenge flexibility, balance, strength and stamina. It’s a win-win, every time! If you’re not working up a sweat in the bedroom on Valentine’s Day, then what are you traveling for anyways? 


travel healthy food


10. Maintain an Active Lifestyle    


Regardless of the means of travelling – airplane, train or motor vehicle –you are using, you will most likely have to sit for long hours, which is harmful to your health.  Having your running or walking shoes on is one way of making sure that you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity to work out While traveling by air, if you have layovers or there are delays before connecting to the next destination, take that time to walk around the airport terminal instead of remaining at the gate.


If you are using a car, stop after a few hours and stretch a bit. While in a conference at the hotel, use the breaks to walk around and do other workouts. Also, try swimming or use the hotel’s fitness center if there is one.




Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson


  1. Pingback: Stay Fit on Valentine's Day: Romantic Travel is Awesome but so is Wine and Chocolate - #JoshSays

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