Traveling on business comes with great experiences like visiting new cities, meeting new people, sampling different and foreign cuisines, and staying at some of the high-end hotels. However, frequent traveling can have some negative effects on your health and fitness due to poor eating habits, not working out adequately, poor sleeping habits, indulging in alcohol and other pleasures, and so on. That’s why it’s really important to come up with a travel workout plan that you can stick with when you’re away.
There are many reasons for dropping the ball on your travel workout. Some people cite lack motivation as a reason for not exercising enough, a lack of equipment or facilities can contribute to some people not doing enough physical activities as well. For me, it was a different situation.
Why My Travel Workout Was So Hard to Maintain
So picture this, five years ago I was 45lbs lighter than I am now. I was in the gym five days a week, eating 4-5 times a day good whole foods like complex carbs, healthy fats and clean proteins. I felt great and I had loads of energy. But truth is, I was just chugging along. I love food. Dining out and all the flavors, it’s why I stayed far away from it for several years. But, when my work as a travel blogger had me, well, traveling, I found myself indulging.
Picture being on vacation two times a month for four years straight.
Today I am 25lbs lighter than I was six months ago, and I still travel. So how could I possibly lose weight while still jet setting and not working out as much? I had a lot to consider that’s for sure. Multitasking calorie burning, limiting calorie consumption, setting boundaries so I still felt happy but with limits, and finding a good fat burner was a good start.
So, what are some of the methods that you may use to ensure you keep fit next time you are traveling?