Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I am being paid to attend an event where I can learn all about the Pilot Pen USA G2 brand and about the G2 Overachievers initiative. All opinions are my own.


Update: Since this event, I have added in photos from the event that I hope you will enjoy.


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Something many of you may not know about me is that I am an avid crafter. Learning calligraphy is something I’ve always wanted to do but never had the time for. I love making things with my hands. And I’ve put together some pretty cool stuff over the years, but I’ve never been good at calligraphy. If you know me personally then you’ll understand how much it bothers me to not master something. I guess that’s why I’m an overachiever! So, when Pilot Pens USA asked me to meet up with them in Atlanta for the G2 Overachievers Blogger Event, I was pretty excited! I mean, it’s not every day I get to attend a meet up with some of my friends over wine and learn something new.


G2 Overachievers
My son even got in on the fun!


Learning calligraphy for me is special. I feel like in this day and age we just don’t write things down enough. Having this talent under my belt is going to make holiday cards and letters much more special (when I do get the time to write them).


So what will I be doing with Pilot Pens USA? And what is G2 Overachievers?


G2 Overachievers
Update, some of the wine we shared at the event.

The G2 Overachievers Meet Up with Pilot Pens USA

I love getting together with friends, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. I’ll be catching up with my bestie Emma Loggins of WomensBusinessDaily.com and hanging out with other blogging boss ladies. We’ll be having wine and appetizers, and learning all about the G2 Overachievers Grant that Pilot Pens USA has partnered on with Shonda Rhimes.


G2 Overachievers
Learning calligraphy!


We’ll also be joining the @PilotPensUSA twitter party #DoYouG2


Pilot Pens USA has some pretty fun sweepstakes going on right now. All you have to do is join the G2 Overachievers club by visiting g2overachieversclub.com! These sweepstakes go on through December 31st!

  • You can join the G2 Overachievers Club with Target and enter to win a $5,000 Target shopping spree & a year’s
    supply of G2 pens (3 winners)
  • $100 Target gift card & a year’s supply of G2 pens (10 winners) + exclusive coupons (557 total prizes to give in 2017)


 G2 Overachievers


What is the G2 Overachievers Grant?


G2 Overachievers celebrates well, overachievers! The people who go above and beyond to accept challenges. From this, the G2 Overachievers Grant was formed with Pilot Pens USA and Shonda Rhimes which awarded $50,000 to winner and overachiever Dr. Rebecca Constantino, founder of Access Books in Los Angelas in 2016.


g2 overachieversclub new


They are currently taking 2017 applicants at g2overachievers.com for the next generation of G2 Overachievers and soon Pilot Pens USA will be offering a $15,000 Student Grant! I love when bigger brands contribute to those who put in the effort.


G2 Overachievers


About G2 Pilot Pens USA


G2 seems to be everyone’s favorite pens. And I totally get it. They write like a dream. You can do almost anything with them like grade papers, draw, color, and make beautiful calligraphy. It’s America’s #1 selling pen for good reason. When I used to be a server in a restaurant, that was the only pen I would buy. And I would go bananas anytime a customer stole it from me! They are just the best! Fun colors, different sizes, and long-lasting quality have made them my go-to brand for years.


I’m looking forward to the G2 Overachievers Meet Up. I can’t wait to learn more about calligraphy and see if any of my readers win some cool stuff! Good luck if you’re in the winning! And remember, it’s never too late to be an overachiever.


Join Pilot & their best-selling G2 at the 2017 Emmy
Awards September 17th


G2 Overachievers


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson


  1. That’s lots of great prizes to be won! And how cool would it be to get awarded that grant, for being awesome at what you’re doing.

  2. How wonderful that you were able to work on your calligraphy skills and be able to attend an event where you could have fun and learn at the same time! I think it is amazing that they are offering grants as initiatives as well!

  3. Wow, I love calligraphy and always wished to hone this skill. I’m sure it will be a great event as the offerings are too amazing for the influencers.

  4. Oh my goodness, pilot pens completes my high school life. This is my most expensive pen back then and always making my friend jealous having colored pilot pens. The memories are gold!

  5. I love calligraphy too though I don’t do it myself. It’s really nice to know that you love it too and finally got an opportunity to attend an event and get started with you hobby. Loved the images. Thanks for sharing.
    Do drop by my blog as well : https://styleovercoffee.com 🙂

  6. I have a friend who loves calligraphy and her handwriting is the most beautiful of anyone I’ve ever met. She’s also very paticular about the kinds of pens she uses. We all have our favorites (mine is the Bic blue). How wonderful of Pilot Pens Pilot Pens to offer such a genrous grant. When I know companies give back, I’m far more likely to use their products. x

  7. I used to Love doing calligraphy back in highschool! I have never heard of pilot pens but I’m going to give them a try!

  8. Calligraphy is so very beautiful. It’s definitely an art form. I have purchased sets in the past, but never took the time to actually learn. I think it would be fun and something stylish I could do with my webpage if I could ever learn how to do it.

  9. Calligraphy is such an art. I’ve tried my hand at writing Arabic calligraphy and although hard at first, you become really proud at your skills. the event sounds wonderful

  10. What an honor for you to be able to attend such an awesome event!! Congrats! Pilot Pens is doing a great thing with their recognition as well as those amazing giveaways! I may just have to go enter. Thank you

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