Are you on the fence about hiring a travel agent? Why not try to plan your trip yourself with the trip planning tool that’s making headlines. RoutePerfect is turning heads and empowering everyday people to plan their own customized trips. Take it from me, I plan trips for a living. RoutePerfect is a handy way to organize and execute your travel.


Picture this, you’re lying in your bed at midnight when suddenly you realize you’re long overdue for a European getaway with your partner. You start pinning pictures and stalking Instagrams until you’ve reached some European bucket list mecca. Except for one thing, how are you going to get there? Where are the best hotels? What will you do while you’re there? So many questions and the hours are evaporating into the night.


Traveling planning can be an ambitious task. And for many, the culprit of sleepless nights. Take it from me, a girl who travels for a living… It doesn’t have to be. You can plan your perfect trip like a boss level travel agent, just check out some of these Europe itineraries.


About RoutePerfect – The Trip Planning Tool I Love


You’re probably asking yourself why this trip planning tool stands out so much. What makes it better than all the other tools out there? If you’ve ever tried to plan a trip to Europe on your own, then you already know there are more places than you can see in a lifetime. And, mostly everyone and every website will tell you they’re amazing. But people have different ideas of what’s amazing…


So how do you plan a trip to Europe that is 100% you? RoutePerfect lets you customize your itinerary based on what you love to do, with your travel style and budget in mind. And when you’re all done planning, you pay for everything in one easy step. No more having seven pieces of travel confirmations. This is a one stop travel planning tool that builds your dream European itinerary.


Here, check out this video to see for yourself.



Choose Your Basics


I love everything about this trip planning tool. From the moment you go to their trip planning home page, you get to choose the most important things about your trip which gets you started. See where it says “plan your trip” below, I chose; starting in France ending in Switzerland, romantic, moderate budget, 14 days and a start date of April 2018.


trip planning tool
Choose the basic structure of your trip


Tweak Your Preferences


Then it started with a “middle of the road” mapped route which I was then able to tweak based on my travel style and interests. The route changes with each tweak! Who knew I was one slider away from the wrong trip! You can see that here:


trip planning tool
Then tweak the preferences based on your travel style and interests. It’s super cool how you can watch the route change before your eyes!


Watch Your Route Change with Your Customizations


Next, I got a closer look at just exactly what cities I would be visiting on this adventure. A big win for me is seeing the overnights laid out perfectly so I can plan even deeper into this European trip.


trip planning tool
Get a close up of your route and your overnights.


Explore Each of Your Destinations


Now start digging deep. Each destination comes with a slideshow which is integrated with Wikipedia so you can get the details on the city and its history.


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Dig deep into each destination with the Wikipedia integrated slideshow.


Choose Your Ground Transportation


This is another major win for me. I always feel like ground transportation is one of the hardest things to put together logistically speaking. Just click the “transportation” tab and you can choose your methods using Rome2Rio. This will save you time and sanity no doubt.


Choose Your Hotels


Then shop for the right hotels in each city with the TripAdvisor integrated widget that gives you the power of consumer reviews at your fingertips along with price adjustments to your entire package.


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This TripAdvisor widget gives you access to reviews on each overnight recommendation. You can also shop around for other choices.


Purchase Your Trip!


You can add your flights here or if you want to base your trip around budget flightsyou can shop for your flights first and build your route based on your best and most budget friendly flight dates. No matter how you do it, RoutePerfect is the only trip planning tool that literally melts away the time it takes to plan a trip to Europe and gives you the power of a travel agent at your fingertips.


In Closing


I don’t think I’ll ever be able to plan a trip to Europe without using RoutePerfect. I hope they expand to the US! This opens up so much time and gives me insight to things I didn’t even know about. This tool gets a straight up 10 from me!



Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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