Chances are if you’re a parent to a school-aged kid, Disney Infinity 3.0 is on your radar. Certainly, if you missed the boat on its predecessor, the 2.o, you’re almost going to have to get this one for the family. And why? Well because it’s one of the coolest games on the market for kids…. and who am I kidding, parents too. Toys to life games are cool.


And for us parents, they’re certainly cooler than anything we had to tinker with when we were kids. But is there a value in this? What’s the gameplay like compared to last year? Many say it’s a money pit and that last year’s gameplay didn’t meet expectations. With Disney Infinity 3.0, you will be surprised.


Disney Infinity 3.0 Twilight of the Republic starter pack
(Disney Interactive)

Disney Infinity 3.0 Playsets, Power Packs and Characters


You may have followed our coverage of Disney Interactive at D23 Expoin which case you would have heard the latest announcements from Disney on the Infinity franchise. And if you didn’t, well then allow me to fill you in on the nutshell version (try to follow it’s a little confusing ). There are 3 main themes for the new Infinity. Of these, there are Star Wars, Disney and Marvel-themed sets.


The sets feature characters from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars properties. The slogan is,

Great Characters. Great Adventures. Join Forces.”


Disney Infinity 3.0 Rise Against the Empire
(Disney Interactive)

Star Wars Play Sets


For Star Wars, Disney Infinity 3.0 launched 3 playsets and like Disney Infinity 2.0 you can collect crossover coins in-game. These will unlock the ability to play certain Star Wars characters across each playset. Here’s the breakdown of the Star Wars playsets:

  • Twilight of the Republic Play Set Starter Pack launched earlier this month. The playset includes two characters, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano, the game, the Toy Box expansion and base. In plot, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda travel to Geonosis after they are alerted that the Battle Droid factory has mysteriously been activated, and must discover who did it and why. The play set takes players to four different worlds (Geonosis, Coruscant, Naboo, and Tatooine) and features appearances by many Star Wars characters, including Mace Windu, Jar Jar Binks, Cad Bane, and General Grievous, to name a few. There’s also a boss battle with Darth Maul. This set is about $65. The Toy Box expansion runs $20 when bought separately.
  • Rise Against the Empire Play Set has also officially launched. This playset includes Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Rise Against the Empire Play Set Piece and the Web Code Card. In the plot the Star Wars: Rise Against the Empire playset takes players on an adventure through the galaxy with Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Chewbacca as they try to defeat Darth Vader and the evil Galactic Empire. It takes players to at least four different worlds: Tatooine, Hoth (where the climax takes place), the Forest Moon of Endor, and the Death Star, and features appearances by many other Star Wars Characters just as the Twilight of the Republic Play Set does, including Biggs Darklighter, Jabba the Hutt, and Boba Fett. This runs $35.
  • The third is a play set based on Star Wars: The Force Awakens VII but there hasn’t been much released from Disney Interactive on its launch or gameplay.


Disney Play Set


As for the Disney theme, the Inside Out Play Set takes players on an adventure through the mind, in what is intended to be a sequel to the Inside Out film.


Disney Infinity 3.0 Inside Out
(Disney Interactive)
  • Inside Out Play Set comes with Joy who is a ray of sunshine and brings boundless cheer to every adventure and Anger, the hot-headed powerhouse who uses fists of rage to remove obstacles. In the plot when Riley Anderson falls asleep on the couch watching a horror movie, her subconscious is sent into a state of chaos, and her memories go flying all throughout Imagination Land. It is up to her emotions, Joy, Anger, Sadness,Fear, and Disgust, to retrieve them all, as they fight their way through the chaos of Riley’s imagination, in both 2.5D and 3D gameplay. This set is about $35.


Marvel Play Set


Finally, as for the Marvel play set, much like the Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we haven’t heard much.

Kid Friendly
Kid Friendly loves his Yoda!


The Kid-Friendly Star Wars Twilight of the Republic Starter Pack User Experience


So Gauge (AKA Kid Friendly) was uber stoked to get his 3.0 Twilight of the Republic Play Set. He found it pretty simple to load the game into his PS4 and get started. May I just say, I watched him hold a very heavy interest in this game for 3 solid hours (until I kicked him off because video games fry your brain cells JOKES)! But seriously, he was all in. The last Infinity he had (still has) sat in his drawer until this came out. He only played it a few times and wasn’t really into it.


Disney Infinity 3.0 Twilight of the Republic starter pack
(Disney Interactive)

Disney Infinity 3.0 PLay Sets and Charactersir?t=thefairtrav0b 20&l=ur2&o=1

Not only is he totally stoked about Star Wars everything, but he genuinely loves the gameplay and the cinematic breaks. The gameplay is just much more fun and with better graphics and he really loves that his favorite characters are in the game. He goes back and forth from playing to watching the show. Then, after all that, he lugs his characters around the house and plays with them. It’s an epic Star Wars battle in our home at any given moment, and I’m okay with that.

Disney Infinity 3.0 Toy Box Expansion
(Disney Interactive)

Disney Infinity 3.0 PLay Sets and Charactersir?t=thefairtrav0b 20&l=ur2&o=1


Toy Box Expansion and the Exclusive King Mickey Kingdom Hearts Costume


I found that he really likes the Toy Box expansion and plays in here the most. If you have a kid (like mine) who LOVES Minecraft, then you’ll probably see the same interest. In the Toy Box space, he can build with much cooler graphics than Minecraft (I don’t even see what the fuss about Minecraft is. I hate the graphics). Plus, in the Toy Box Expansion, he got to use his EXCLUSIVE D23 EXPO King Mickey Kingdom Hearts chip which was only given to 5,000 attendees of the Disney Interactive panel along with a Mickey Mouse Character. So that was pretty sweet.


King Mickey Kingdom Hearts costume
The exclusive King Mickey Kingdom Hearts costume from D23 Expo (chip on left). Can’t buy in stores.



A few days after the release, little Mr. Kid Friendly got a big box at the door filled with characters! So far he’s played with all the Star Wars characters. He loves bouncing them back and forth and of course playing with them just for the sake of playing. We are opening these little by little and he is loving it. Check out the Kid-Friendly Twitter and Facebook for fun pics of these.


Disney Infinity Next


Disney just debuted Disney Infinity Next, a new online video series designed to share upcoming plans for – and a behind-the-scenes look at – Disney Infinity. This program gives fans a look at the past, present, and future of Disney Infinity and is shaped by user feedback.


Overall Value


So in my opinion, from a mom’s perspective, I love the Disney Infinity 3.0 Play Sets. I think they are definitely better than years past, that the Toy Box Expansion is awesome and it certainly makes buying gifts easy for everyone in the family. I mean realistically, when he gets a bunch of random toys for Birthdays and Christmas, they just clutter the room and get broken. With these, it’s always easy to gift and with them being small, it’s a collection I can stomach. Plus, I love playing this game with him and love all the little characters.


I give Disney Infinity 3.0 a big thumbs up, heck I give it a unicorn high-five for moms and kids and find it to be a total value.


Special thanks goes to Disney Interactive for supplying us with the product for review. It in no way shapes out opinions, but it sure makes writing these reviews a lot cheaper!



Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson


  1. Robin Rue (@massholemommy) Reply

    I have been thinking about getting this for my kids for xmas this year. It sounds like something they would both really lovel

  2. Infinity is one of those games that just works on so many levels. Of course, Disney characters are fun, but you can be any character within any of the properties owned by Disney. That’s fantastic!

    • It really is. I mean I watch my son play on the console, then play with the characters at the table or in the house… it’s really a value, especially since he loves taking them in the car and on road trips.

  3. I have to admit I really want to upgrade to 3.0 for some reason we never got hold of 2.0 so we are definitely in need of an upgrade 😉

  4. My son would be all over this! He LOVES Star Wars! I have never used infinity! I need to check it out and see what fun it can be for the kiddo.

  5. My kids are OBSESSED With infinity!! They have the first two and I’m sure they will want this third one now that it includes star wars (another favourite of theirs!) These games keep getting better and better!

  6. My daughter loves these. She has a large collection but I’m sure she wants the Inside Out characters now.

  7. One of my co-worker’s little boys is totally into the Disney Infinity stuff! This would make a great Christmas gift!!

  8. CourtneyLynne Reply

    This game looks like too much fun! I can’t wait for my daughter to be a tad bit older to enjoy games like this!

  9. We don’t have any of the Infinity Games. I have heard so much about them from other kids. I I think this would be a great idea for Christmas!

  10. I know some little ones who would love this game! Perfect for the holidays! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  11. Oooh, I guess I don’t have a child in the age range to use Infinity 3.0 but this looks fun! It’s actually my first time to hear about it here. So, thanks, now I feel more like a part of the techy-world. 😀 Anyway, I think this is something I’d enjoy too, seeing Star Wars and Inside Out, who wouldn’t love it? 🙂

  12. Pingback: Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars Twilight of the Republic PS4 Starter Pack with Mickey Character Giveaway -

  13. Pingback: Holiday Giveaway Infinity 3.0 Twilight of the Republic PS4

  14. My 7 year old daughter has asked for the Inside Out play set but we have nothing Disney Infinity related. Do you know if the starter pack is required for all play sets? (I’m guessing yes since it’s called “starter” pack lol)

  15. Are there any 3.0 starter packs that are not star wars. …my son hasn’t gotten into star wars but would love disney or marvel….I’m looking at starting him infinity

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