The Marvel Universe Live Review


Tampa, Florida


We went, we saw, and boy do we have one hell of a Marvel Universe Live review for you! Picture yourself in Tony Stark’s multi-million dollar penthouse in the Avengers’ Tower then get whisked away to the Himalayas,


Hydra Island and Loki’s Fortress as an epic battle of good versus evil unravels before your eyes. Our very excited Little Fairytale Traveler, affectionately known as the “Little,” had this to say about the press opening of Marvel Universe Live:


A standing ovation filled the room after the action-packed Marvel Universe Live performance.
A standing ovation filled the room after the action-packed Marvel Universe Live performance.


It was epic! I got to meet Cyclops. He showed me some superhero skills before the show. There was fire, and bikes, and epic battles. Spider-Man jumped from really high and Captain America did a sweet thing with his bike.


He drove over fire and made sparks fly out of his shield. There was sweet kicks and it was all epic, I loved it!


Awesome stunts on motorbikes were just a fraction of the talent at the Marvel Universe Live event.


A standing ovation stood to prove that Marvel Universe Live killed it with its début press opening last night at the Tampa Bay Times Forum. Its official début opens July 10th to start the first date of an 85-city U.S. tour over the next two years. International dates TBA.