Making Fairytales Come to Life

For the Biggest Fairytale Fans of All

Welcome to the Little Fairytale Traveler’s Hotel review section, a review from a child meant for children, dictated by the Little Fairytale Traveler himself and transcribed by me AKA Mom AKA, Christa Thompson, AKA The Fairytale Traveler. Enjoy!

The Victorian Walled Gardens are a great place to relax and enjoy the day.
The Victorian Walled Gardens are a great place to relax and enjoy the day.

The Little Fairytale Traveler Report

When we first drove up to the castle it blew my mind. It was epic. It was just so big, so cool looking! Right next to the front door there’s this cool little hill you can run down. I picked a flower there for my mom.

Dromoland Castle Hotel is steeped in history going as far back to the 5th Century when it was originally the ancestral home of Gaelic Royalty; direct descendants of Brian Boru, the High King of Ireland.
Dromoland Castle Hotel is steeped in history going as far back to the 5th Century when it was originally the ancestral home of Gaelic Royalty; direct descendants of Brian Boru, the High King of Ireland.

The inside was so cool. When I first walked in I saw a big knight’s armor, then they gave me a coloring book! The hallways were really long and there was a lot of stuff on the walls. I really liked my kid’s menu in the Cocktail Bar because it had more than just a couple of things on it. We had lunch right next to the fireplace, it was cool. In Florida we don’t ever get to sit by fireplaces.

Lots of cool antiques.
Lots of cool antiques.

Then, our room was so big! It was the biggest room in all the rooms ever! There was a cute little bear on my bed. It was the coolest. I named him Super Bear, and now he has his own superhero cape! My mom let me jump from her bed to mine, but just once. We opened all the windows and sat next to them.

We had tea time downstairs next to another really big fireplace. I loved all the sweets. After that, I got to ride the big, huge bike around the tennis court. I went really fast in circles. My mom went upstairs to read and I got to ride a golf cart to the pool! There were lots of toys in there, and I swam from one end to the other and held my breath the whole time!

Doing "circles" on the tennis court at Dromoland.
Doing “circles” on the tennis court at Dromoland.

When I got back to the room, I didn’t want to go to bed. My mom let me fill up our big tub and pretended I was scuba diving. Then I got to put on a robe that wasn’t too big for me! After that, mom let me stay up late and we went all through the castle for a night-time adventure.

I love Dromoland Castle, I can’t wait to go back there!



Click here to book your fairytale stay at Dromoland Castle Hotel

Dromoland Castle Hotel is a member of


Disclosure: We were given free accommodations during our stay however, this in no way changes the way we perceive or write a review. We look forward to visiting again soon.



Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson


  1. That is very cool Christa and your boy describes the castle well. I read it like I was a child and can imagine a hill to run down and scuba diving in a tub were great moments.

  2. That sounds like a great place to go and I’d love to go there myself. I am 9 and I write about holidays and days out on a blog with my mum and sister. Maybe you could take a look?

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