Looking for weird things to do in Tokyo? The world-renowned metropolis as a hotspot for amazing and unusual activities for visitors.


In fact, there’s so much to do in Tokyo that the average tourist may feel a tad overwhelmed. We’re here to correct that problem as we count down the 7 most unusual hidden gems and activities in Tokyo.

weird things to do in tokyo

Tell Your Friends a More Interesting Story with These Weird Things to Do in Tokyo

Tokyo Capsule Hotels


Tokyo is a HUGE city with not a lot of room to spare, even for its own citizens. A few hoteliers took notice and decided to combine economic efficiency with affordable housing. And the capsule hotels were born.


If you’re on a budget, you might look into the economically ergonomic, yet spaciously stunted capsule hotels where your whole room is about the size of a closet turned on its side.


The rooms are built like honeycombs usually two or three capsules high and you climb in and close the little hatch behind you as you bed down for the night. 


However, due to obvious reasons, many capsule hotels are actually male guests only, and staying for many days isn’t recommended due to the lack of storage and cleaning staff with jobs to do. Nonetheless, it’s an experience and a half to stay in one of these.


If you’re looking for where to stay in Tokyo, we recommend this place for the amusing story it’ll give you if nothing else. That’s why it’s at the top of our ideas for weird things to do in Tokyo.

observatory tokyo
Photo source

Roppongi Hills Observatory

Many people have been to observatories. It’s not a new activity. But this place is somewhat different from the normal fare.


See, what’s special about Roppongi Hills Observatory is that, for a price, you can go outside onto the roof. The roof is whopping 270 meters off the ground, so high up that the wind will lash against your face at any time of day.


You can see for miles and miles in every direction and tickets sell out fast, so get there early for this unique opportunity


With regard to weird things to do in Tokyo, this isn’t exactly obscure, but it does make for great photos and a better travel tale.

cat cafe in tokyo, weird things to do in tokyo

Cat Cafe

If you like cats, then you’ll love this place. You can spend an hour or two noshing on a tasty treat and cuddling up to one of many cats prowling around the cafe, seeking out their latest suckers — oops, we mean people, to pet and love on them.


The cats will sit in the seats next to you and accept whatever affection you’re willing to give, as well as any potential treats you may have purchased just for them. Not too many, though. We can almost guarantee you aren’t their first catch of the day.

Robot cafe in Tokyo

Robot Dance Off

Japan has an affinity for technology and this is a pretty well-known fact. But little did you likely know that this affinity can get a little…weird, for lack of a better word.


In Shinjuku, you’ll get an eyeful of just how weird it can get with a restaurant that allows guests into the building to watch robots dance to loud music.


This is about as odd as it gets — hang on, did that waitress just walk by in a robot costume? Never mind, it apparently gets weirder.

Mt Takao village
Mt Takao village Photo source

Mt. Takao

If you’re into mountain climbing but aren’t confident in your stamina levels, then we have just the place for you. Visit Mt. Takao, just one hour outside of central Tokyo. This mountain is very small and not too steep, so the climb is extremely easy.


This is the ultimate breeze walk for climbers who just want to take it easy and enjoy the sights. And if you don’t feel like climbing, there’s a cable car, too.


This will take you straight up the mountain and you can ogle the sights from the air in comfort.

Hot Springs theme park in Tokyo
Odaru Onsen Amagiso, Southern Izu Peninsula, Shizuoka, Japan Photo source

Here is a truly odd staple of unusual activities to do in Tokyo. You can visit a theme park dedicated to hot springs. Here, you can soak in one of the dozens of different types of baths with fragrant aromas and sumptuous sensations.


Or, you can check out other ‘attractions’ such as a cozy dining area with delicious local food, a sauna, or even a rest area where you can nap in seclusion and comfort. If you’re looking for the ultimate in relaxation, then this just might be your destination of choice.

Electric town, Akihabara, weird things to do in Tokyo
Electric town, Akihabara


Welcome to the central hub of geekdom where if you can’t find it here, then it straight up doesn’t exist. Akihabara is essentially The Garden of Eden for anime and gaming lovers of the world who flock to this destination year after year to pick up exclusive merchandise.


Even if you’re not into super cute anime girls with eyes half the size of their faces or yellow rodents that fit into capsules the size of baseballs, not to worry! There’s enough high tech equipment to be found here to satisfy the needs of any tech junkie who might be on the hunt for rare gear. 


A truly one of a kind stop that must be seen to be believed.


Japan is loaded with a unique flair that can’t be found anywhere else in the world. If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind destination to visit, then this is the place to be. Tell me about your favorite weird things to do in Tokyo in the comments below! 


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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