The United Kingdom is a place that can be easily appreciated by all; you won’t find a perfect blend of natural and human-made beauty anywhere else. England, Scotland, Wales, and other nations that form the UK are culturally different and incredibly beautiful making for many reasons to visit the UK at least once in your life.


The UK has always been on top tourist places in the world, and why shouldn’t it be? It has something to offer everyone – families, singles, and couples. It should be on top of your list as well if you haven’t visited the UK yet. We’ll tell you why you should visit the UK and what all you’ll find there.


visit the UK, London


Here Are Just a Few Reasons to Visit the UK



Instagram Worthy Landscapes


The UK is perfect for you if you wish to explore the photographer inside you. You can set up a show for all your Instagram followers, including all the beautiful panoramic views. In fact, London is one of the most Instagrammed destinations in the world.


Edinburgh to Isle of Skye, travel with kids, visit the uk
A section of the fairy pools on the Isle of Skye, Scotland


All you need to do is rent a car, and witness the beauty the UK has to offer – from breathtaking castles to the vast coastline. 




The Culture


The British consider themselves more culturally rich as you’ll soon be able to see the difference between English cities and American Cities like Manhattan and New York. The English like to take things easy and they usually find time to sit down for a cup of tea which you’ll hardly see in cities like Manhattan. 






Do you believe that you have to go to a secluded place or a distant island to witness the real natural beauty? The UK is home to some magnificent gardens (within major cities) like the Royal Botanic Garden in London. It has more than 50,000 different species of plants and is one of the best gardens in the world. 




Football (Soccer for All the American Folks)


Football is a religion in the UK with England’s Premier League, one of the best domestic leagues in the world. If you’re a football fan and a supporter of clubs like Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool, and the like, you should definitely consider visiting England and watching a game in the stadium.


The atmosphere is something that can be experienced and not described. The energy, the crowd is something that you’ll not see the states. 




Perfect Natural Lakes 


Calling the lakes of the UK ‘perfect’ will still not be able to describe their beauty fully. The Lake District has it all – lakes, mountains, trees, and forests. What else can anyone ask for?


Fairy site, Cumbria,
Fairy site in Cumbria


It is also a common tourist destination for those who wish to escape the busy city life and spend their leisure time in nature’s lap. All you need is a pair of hiking shoes and products from Safariland Holster too might come in handy during this escape.  




It’s Perfect in Every Season 


Visiting the UK is never a bad decision, whatever the season. You can enjoy unlimited ice-creams during the summers, the spring is filled with the unique positive energy of blossoming new life, the autumn paints the UK in bright orange color which makes it a stunning landscape, and the winters make it all snow-white. 




The People 


The people in the UK are always so polite and friendly that it is hard to find a friendlier nation. The UK is filled with people with different religions and cultures



Final Words


You’ll not find a nation jollier and welcoming than the UK. People come here from all over the world to see what the UK has to offer and why it has been on the top for so many years. You should not think twice, book your flight and pack your bags to visit the UK, one of the best destinations in the world. 



Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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