Traveling might be all about the place you visit and the impressions you receive from a foreign land – but what you pack can make those impressions so much more memorable and exciting. Just think about how having luxury suitcase items would make you feel and what opportunities they may open up for you.


That’s because of the simple fact that the clothes you wear and the travel accessories that you take with you can seriously improve your levels of comfort and sophistication while you’re traveling abroad, or even within your own country.


Meanwhile, looking smart and elegant will help you get into airport lounges, swanky bars, and opulent music halls while traveling.


Tere are the five luxury suitcase items you need to invest in this year, including the very suitcase you pack and take with you on your adventure.


moving to a new country, clothing for your vacation, suitcase, luggage


Luxury Suitcase Items  – 5 Must-Haves

The Suitcase Itself


Your journey to luxury on your next adventure starts with the suitcase you take with you! There are a number of designer brands that craft beautiful luggage sets that will truly stand out on the carousel.


Whether you opt for a vintage styled case or a high tech version, investing in luggage of the highest quality will help protect your items during your travels.


Favorite designer luggage brands include Louis Vuitton, a firm favorite by celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Mulberry, a British luxury designer, who offers beautiful carry-on items in the finest materials.


If you really want to upgrade your suitcase and feel like an A-lister strolling through the airport, consider personalizing the pieces with your initials. Many brands now offer this as a service. 


elegant guest room, luxury suitcase items


Wash Kits


When you travel, you may have come to accept a certain amount of discomfort and uncleanliness. After all, you’re using public transport, and you’re sitting, walking, and standing for long periods.


But this connection – between grubbiness and travel – is something easily broken with a smart, well-designed, and luxury travel wash kit – including on-the-move hygiene products to keep you looking and smelling fresh.


These products tend to be organized on a spectrum from mid-range to incredibly expensive. You can tailor your purchase with the help of the CashLady travel essential budget helper – which will assist you in financing luxury travel purchases.


For a was kit, you’re looking for something compact and stylish – perhaps in washed leather – with the perfect array of travel ointments, creams and products held within. This is probably one of the most important luxury suitcase items.


woman, suit


The Suit


Once regarded as a thoroughly male item of clothing, the tailored suit is now wonderfully unisex, with millions of women across the globe choosing this outfit for the more formal occasions on their calendar.


And with globe-trotting icons from Phileas Fogg to James Bond rocking the linen suit, it’s time to turn your attention to this timeless, luxurious, and elegant wardrobe piece – one that you can dust off for foreign travel in the years to come.


For the perfect travel suit, you’re looking for material that’s light – both in weight and in coloration. Make sure the texture will allow air to pass through – cooling you on warmer vacation days.


Finally, find small accessories to accompany your suit – like a breast pocket handkerchief – to hit off your new luxury travel outfit.


travel filming tips, packing a travel backpack


Digital Camera


While the smartphone is developing increasingly outstanding photographs, it’s still no match for the conventional digital camera that many travel enthusiasts love to carry with them abroad.


With new styles and specifications being released all the time – and some cameras priced in a similar range to smartphones themselves – this is certainly a travel accessory to add to your suitcase for your next adventure.


What should you look for in a digital camera? Well, according to Tech Radar, you should keep it compact to save weight and space while traveling.


Buy two lenses – one long, one wide-angle – to capture different kinds of photographs. And make sure you purchase a camera with pre-editing effects so that you can tinker with your pictures’ style as you shoot.


You’ll be glad you packed this luxury suitcase item because when you return home, you’ll have high-quality, highly-Instagrammable photos to add to your collection.


noise-cancelling headphones, luxury suitcase items


Noise-Canceling Headphones


While this piece of tech may not automatically scream luxury, there’s nothing more luxurious than arriving at your destination refreshed and ready to start your adventure. And you don’t necessarily have to pay a “luxury” price for them. Check out this top list of $50 headphones.


Noise-canceling headphones offer you the opportunity to shut out the world around you and to grab some much-needed rest. This is especially valuable if you have a long flight or your flight was scheduled for early in the morning.


Noise-canceling headphones are also very handy on journeys undertaken by train or ferry. These modes of transport may not be the most exciting or extravagant, but you can use your noise-canceling headphones to watch a movie or listen to your favorite band.


By focusing on what you enjoy, you will soon drift away and forget your surroundings. Just don’t forget to disembark at your stop!


Luxury is defined as a “state of great comfort or elegance” and the above luxury suitcase items will undoubtedly help you arrive at your next adventure in style and elegance.


By investing in some key luxury item pieces, you can enjoy the traveling experience, knowing you will arrive at your destination refreshed and relaxed, whether you’re hopping on a train, a ferry, or flying first class.

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