Sponsored by Good Behavior on TNT. Watch the 2-episode series premiere Tuesday, November 15 at 9/8c.

I’m a single mom. I am centered and balanced. I homeschool my kid, I have it all figured out. I’m a full-time blogger, I’m living the dream, and life is good. These are the lies I tell myself. I came to this realization after screening a new T.V. series called, Good Behavior on TNT.


Truth be told, I’m a hot mess just like you. Or maybe you’re one of those super perfect moms who measure each and every carb you eat, fill every time slot with something amazing for your kid and never EVER leave the house without makeup. If you are, I am sorry. I just can’t relate.


My Every Day Crazy Life


Every day I wake up and I know three things: I have to make sure my son doesn’t set anything on fire, I didn’t lose 40 pounds in my sleep, and I will try to be better than I was the day before. Everything else is fair game. I live an unconventional life. Nothing in my life is well-balanced. Nothing is centered. No matter how hard I try, it’s impossible to keep things on an even keel.


Imagine this: living a double life, which toggles between a domesticated mother who home schools her son, to international travel, lifestyle and film blogger. Just when I feel like things are starting to iron out and that balance is happening I’m on another plane to this event or that destination. In all honesty, in all my success, I feel defeated.

When I don’t have time to work out, clean the house or even put together a Lego set with my kid, I feel defeated. Is there just not enough of me to go around?


Balance is Not the Grind


I’d like to circle back and clarify that there is a difference between balance and routine. While the mom who’s on a strict schedule, living a life of time slots and routine may feel balanced, that is not balance. Balance is living equal parts of the facets in life that make you happy and healthy.


For me, these things are being a good mom, staying healthy, being fit, growing my brand, traveling, crafting, being a good girlfriend and friend. Let’s recall, I told you I was living this lie. I tell myself I’m centered and balanced, but in truth, I feel anything but.


So What’s Making Me so Off-Centered?

Over the last three years, I’ve gained 40 pounds from traveling the world, dining at the finest restaurants and missing out on any real-time in the gym. Jet lag and poor diet consume my energy leaving me to live in a vicious cycle of rushing to get things done before a trip, being on a trip and then coming home only to be too tired to hit the gym. In my health and fitness facet, I am failing.


Inversely (when I’m home for more than seven days at a time) I eat very healthy and work out. But it’s not enough. Over the last three years, I haven’t spent nearly enough daily quality time with my son. Running an international brand has consumed my time and mental bandwidth. This is perhaps the most upsetting aspect of my poor balancing skills. Over the last three years, I have ignored my family, my friends and many of my blogging pals again due to lack of time and mental bandwidth.


My relationships are falling apart miserably. Over the last three years I have done less, and less art projects at home, something I love as much as travel itself. Yet, over the last three years I’ve traveled internationally sixteen times, domestic twenty-seven, been to multiple red carpets events and even on set for major films. So what did I trade off? A life of balance for a life of dreams? Did I make the right choice and can I really have it all?


Christa Thompson, The Fairytale Traveler, Blogger, Social media influencer         Alice Through the Looking Glass red carpet premiere LA – Christa Thompson


I Want to be Centered and Balanced


I want more than anything to be that mom who sits down with her son every day to play board games and hear all his in-depth Minecraft plots. I want to go to the gym five days a week, eat super clean, juice every day, and work out when I’m traveling. I want to have the time to be creative and make new projects, explore my new home in Atlanta, talk on the phone with my friends and family and grow a deeper relationship with my partner. I want to continue to grow my brand, seize opportunities and spark creative ideas with my colleagues.


Finding the Balance


The question is how do I do it all? How do I truly pull off centered and balanced? Or is this like a mythical island we are all swimming to while slowly drowning in a sea of life’s curveballs? After screening Good Behavior on TNT, I couldn’t help but think, “If this girl can get it together, I certainly can.” Even though being a criminal isn’t quite the same as being overwhelmed, it all boils down to the same thing, personal responsibility.


The first step for me was to realize I’ve been telling myself a lie, next is setting myself boundaries like; time limits and personal goals. Moreover, it’s holding myself accountable for slacking. I’ll be setting alarms, prepping meals, staying focused at my desk and making the gym a priority. I’ll be setting date nights with my guy, time slots with my kid and scheduling time to catch up with my friends.


I feel like being centered, finding balance and of course, financial stability is the pinnacle of success. And while I do a lot of epic things and others look to me as being successful, I can honestly say I am still forging this path.  Maybe I’ll figure it out, maybe I won’t, but I will be on my best behavior.


Good Behavior on TNT



Good Behavior is an upcoming American drama television series based on the novella series by Blake Crouch about Letty, a con artist. After five years of playing buttoned-up Lady Mary on Downton Abbey, which ended in March, Michelle Dockery has shed her pearls and opera gloves to play a thief and con artist Letty Raines, who is always one bad decision from implosion. Fresh out of prison, she’s attempting to get her life back in order. When she overhears a hit man being hired to kill a man’s wife, she sets out to derail the job, but gets involved in a dangerous relationship with an irresistible hit man.


How do you find your balance in life? Tell me in the comments for a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card!

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Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson


  1. Michael D Thomas II Reply

    Now this appears (looks) to be a very edgy & cool 1 Christa I’m definitely gonna check it out ✅thanks

  2. Julie Wood Reply

    I find balance in my life by taking time for myself, by doing the things I love every day and taking time to relax and have me time.

  3. Julie Wood Reply


  4. I find balance in my life by using all my PTO at work, exercising every day for stress relief and setting aside time to spend with family and friends as well as “me” time.

  5. I find balance in my life by only scheduling a few events or appointments each week, to make sure I have enough time with my kids and to get stuff done around the house.

  6. I find balance by having a daily schedule and taking time to myself

  7. I find balance in my life by being organized and praying to the Lord.

  8. Steve Weber Reply

    I find balance in my life by making sure I cover all my bases in life.

    groogruxking40 @ gmail dot com

  9. tat2gurlzrock Reply

    I find my balance by yoga. It makes me feel so much better!

  10. I find balance by taking some “me” time to do what I love daily.
    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  11. tweet-https://twitter.com/tcarolinep/status/794732176860413952

  12. I too, am a single mom, who has been traveling the world with her son (for 8 years). The only thing that keeps me in balance is my dedication to daily laughter with my son. Seriously, laughter. Lots of laughter. The lightness of life, keeps us in balance.

  13. I love that you’re keeping it real, because finding balance is not easy! I tend to put myself at the end of the balance list, but I do try to carve out 30-60 minutes a day while my daughter is at school for a bath or a walk or even a little Netflix so that I can be recharged by the time she gets home.

  14. Great post all around, Christa. The fact you can write such a personal, well-thought out and beautifully written post about yourself shows that you are much more “with it” than you think. Keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t be so hard on yourself. And you look amazing too so don’t worry about all that traveling cutting into your gym time.

  15. Boy, I can relate – well, not about the red carpet stuff – but weight, not working well on relationships and living a lie. Still. It’s life and real and I live in gratitude. Keep going. Your kid will work it out – mine did and he’s flourishing at USC film school! (I made him promise to take me to the Academy Awards, so that red carpet may happen yet!)

  16. If I tried to tell anyone that I’ve found the way to keep any type of balance in my life, I’d be lying. I have not. Not yet. I’m sixty years old, hopefully there’s still time for discovery. I’m not dead yet. Excellent words, Christa. Thank you for sharing.

  17. @Pinklacedpoppy Reply

    I find Balance in my life by being just a tiny bit selfish. That means a grocery trip by myself while kids stay at home. But oh, how much better and more able to take anything my way I feel after

  18. Girl, I hear you. It is a struggle that never seems to get easier. I get really upset if blogging takes me away from my kids, because that’s why I started my blog in the first place; to have a freedom lifestyle & more time with my babies.

    • Right! It gets so frustrating! I feel like if we were paid even a fraction of our worth, we wouldn’t have to be away from them so much…

  19. I find balance by saying no even when it means passing up on something good if it doesn’t fit my goals and what is necessary. Saying no to even good things and good causes I’d ok if necessary. It’s hard to say no though!

  20. Susan Smith Reply

    I find balance by having a daily schedule and taking time to myself

  21. I find balance by eating a minimum # of veggies and fruits a day, exercising at least 3 times a week, and spending time with people I love.

  22. I just try to focus on what is lasting and what is important, and not focus on problems I can’t solve.


  23. I try to find time for “me” in my life. I’ve only really started this now in my late 30s and am often baffled by how I didn’t realize the importance of just being by myself sooner.

  24. I think to keep balance that it is important to have your priorities in order. Things that won’t matter a 100 years from now should not take top priority today. My husband and my kids matter the most.

  25. Kerry Bishop Reply

    I find my balance by only taking on the things I have time for at one time – I CAN say no to things!

  26. definitely trying to tackle challenges but doing things that make me happy

  27. I find balance by sticking to a schedule and by taking some time for myself each day whether it is reading a book or going for a walk.

  28. I find my balance by taking time off every once in a while. to relax and unwind.

    amy [at] uTry [dot] it

  29. I find balance in not sweating the small stuff. Family, friends and love. that’s all that matters.

  30. I try to plan things out so I don’t do too much of any one thing lol I’m not very good at balance, but I do try 🙂

  31. i find balance in my life by keeping to a regular schedule and not adding more to it than i should

  32. Francine Anchondo Reply

    i find balance by being organised and keep a schedule.

  33. I don’t have much balance in my life. I work and then go home. I always feel too tired to do anything else.

  34. I wish I could find some balance in my life! I do my best, though, taking care of myself and my family. And I guess knowing that I’m doing the best I can helps me keep some semblance of balance.

  35. I find balance by going easy on myself for things that don’t really matter all that much. I keep my priorities to be my people, not my things.

  36. I find balance in my life by being sure that I spend a lot of time in nature and with my partner and I find at least 3 things a day that make me smile. Take joy in the little things because life doesn’t give you that many big things and you will miss out on all the joy waiting for big things.

  37. I find balance through having some quiet time to myself throughout the week, to help me collect my thoughts about what I’m doing in life.
    pixelberrypie at yahoo dot com

  38. I struggle with balance, but I’m learning to be grateful for what I did get to check off each day’s to-do list, rather than focus on what didn’t get done.

  39. I find balance by doing the things I love: swimming, singing and volunteering.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  40. #SweepstakesEntry – comment

    I find balance by trying to get outside each & every day if the weather is nice and going for a walk in the woods


  41. Terry Stevens Reply

    I try to find my balance by staying positive and walking.

  42. Erica Best Reply

    I have to take care of me before i can take care of everyone else

  43. Kayte CookWatts Reply

    I try to be very grateful for the things I have. Meditation also keeps you focused and open hearted.

  44. Pingback: Finding Balance as a Mom When You Don’t Feel Like You |

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