Special thanks to Marvel for bringing me out to LA for this Doctor Strange movie review. It in no way shapes my opinion, just makes bringing you the deets cheaper and that’s pretty legit.
I love Marvel films so much. I didn’t grow up reading comics (although I have always loved comic book art since I was a child, so did a lot of flipping through). But when my son came of age to sit through epic movies, it became something very special to me. Ever since the first Captain America, I’ve been hooked. Every film has been special me but this one, just plain out blew me away. So what was so epic about this film?
If you’ve been following my interviews of Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange), Mads Mikkelsen (Kaecilius), Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer), Tilda Swinton (The Ancient One) and Director Scott Derrickson then, you already know this film is a visual masterpiece. Scott said it in just a few words in my recent interview with him,
This film couldn’t have been made three even four years ago.
Every time I screen a Marvel film I go in with the expectation that the film will maintain truths from the comics, offer something new, have epic visuals, awesome fight scenes, amazing costumes and superpowers, a positive message, uber nerdy Easter eggs and of course, entertain me while being suitable for my eight year old son.
Doctor Strange nailed all of these expectations and then some.

My Doctor Strange Movie Review
I screened this film a couple weeks ago, the night before the premiere. I went in thinking, “Cool, I’m excited for new characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this should be cool.” I came out saying,
Man I’m glad I didn’t eat a bunch of mushrooms, you would have been peeling me off the floor!
There’s no other movie that can touch the visual effects of this film. Firstly, you need to be seeing this film in IMAX 3d. It’s hands down everything IMAX 3d was intended to deliver. Second, the Kung Fu moves and magical spells in the film are super freaking rad.
No one’s going to need acid after this.
-Tilda Swinton