Mythology, Places in Cyprus that Will Leave You Enchanted


Cyprus sits in the East Mediterranean front and center to its crystalline turquoise and cobalt blue waters. The island, shaped like a manta ray is associated with two legendary sea monsters. The Scylla, a known sea monster with a serpent’s body, six dog heads, and twelve limbs (known to have originated from Scilla, Calabria).


And Ayia Napa, a local sea monster said to be half crocodile, half serpent. Cyprus is also known as the birthplace of Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of love, and is rich with a multi-layered past promising discovery of ancient treasures to the thousands who flock to its balmy shores.


There’s plenty of monster myth and legend to lure a traveler to Cyprus, along with centuries of Mycenaean, Persian and Ottoman history to explore. Here are a few must-see places in Cyprus that will leave you enchanted.

The Tombs of the Kings
The Tombs of the Kings


Places in Cyprus


Aphrodite's rock. Would you swim around three times?
Aphrodite’s rock. Would you swim around three times?


Aphrodite’s Rock, Paphos Coast


The goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite became worshiped as a cult figure with shrines built in her honor all over Greece (though Cyprus is not part of Greece, it is culturally). Made instantly recognizable by painter Botticelli, the Romans knew her as ‘Venus’, though she’s perhaps best known for her appearances in Greek tales like Jason and the Golden Fleece.


On Cyprus, her birthplace is marked as Aphrodite’s Rock, or “Petra Tou Romiou,” a teetering rock stack, standing in the foamy sea off the Paphos coast. It’s said that if you swim around the rock three times, true love will be yours!


Cape Greco National Park, you can go inside the sea caves here. Way cool.
Cape Greco National Park, you can go inside the sea caves here. Way cool.


The Cyprus Sea Monster, Avia Napa


Renowned party spot Ayia Napa might be the last place you’d expect to hear about mythical beings, but for years, there have been tellings of a sea creature around these south-eastern shores of the island — some even call it the Cyprus Loch Ness Monster.


Many sightings have been claimed around Cape Greco, a rocky cliff-face where Famagusta Bay protrudes out. Though reports state it drags away fishing nets, by all accounts it is benign and does no harm to local residents.


Such is the reputation that locals call it “To Filiko Teras” — the friendly monster. Take a boat trip around the impossibly blue waters to find out for yourself.


The Tombs of the Kings
The Tombs of the Kings


Paphos and the Tomb of the Kings, Paphos


Legends continue into the realm of royalty on Cyprus, with tales of King Pygmalion and Galatea and their miraculous offspring, Paphos, who founded his own kingdom, as well as stories about King Cinyras, who bragged that his daughter Smyrna was more beautiful than Aphrodite and paid the price when the goddess made him fall in love with Smyrna.


You can explore The Tomb of Kings, a Hellenistic temple just outside Paphos town, to get a sense of the old might of Cyprus. Though its name is more to do with the staggering tomb complexes and the impressive example of a 3rd century BC necropolis than real royalty, it’s an evocative and must-visit site.


The Tombs of the Kings
The Tombs of Kings


The Tombs of Kings
The Tombs of Kings


Legends Continue


Myths live on in Cyprus, thanks to their colorful variety and echoes of ancient times. There’s no shortage of sightseeing stops on Cyprus that are connected to legends thousands of years past.


From the tales of the olive tree in Zeytinlik village, said to be given protection from evil by Jesus Christ himself, to the fate of North Cyprus governor, Canbulat Pasha, who is said to have carried on fighting the Venetians, even after his head had been chopped off! You are bound to find enchantment on a trip here.


Cyprus Travel Tips


If you’re off to explore the monsters and legends of Cyprus, be ready for hot weather in this sub-tropical place, especially during the summer months. Strong walking shoes are essential if you want to roam around ruins, tombs, and other local sites. Cyprus is also a big hiking and biking destination, so look into trails like the Cedar Valley if you’re after an outdoor adventure.


In terms of flights, most touch down at Larnaca airport or Paphos airport, which is great for both beach vacations and myth-exploring around the southwest shores. I like to use Thomson to find cheap flights to Cyprus, and recommend booking during the week and going for the shoulder seasons of fall and spring to get both the best prices and the most forgiving weather.


As always, your thoughts on epic fairytale adventures are greatly appreciated in the comments below!


Images by Michal OsmendaNikodem Nijaki, Vladimer, and Mgiganteus1 used under Creative Commons license.


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson


  1. There are lots of other interesting historical places to visit:
    -Apollo Sanctuary
    -The baths of Aphrodite
    -the Venetian walls of Nicosia and its old town
    -the Larnaca Fort
    -the Kolossi Castle
    -The Ancient Curium Aphitheatre
    -the Paphos Castle

    • Oh totally! There’s more than I can keep up with lol. Thank you for sharing these places. I am hopeful to start writing about them soon as well. Looking forward to a trip back!

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