As spring begins to arrive and we leave the depths of winter behind us, many of us start to think about spring cleaning our homes and getting rid of the old and replacing it with the new. However, as well as spring cleaning our homes, we should also be thinking about spring cleaning our bodies.


If you’re looking for a bikini body for traveling this summer, then you need to start your plan soon to ensure that your target weight shape is achievable. Here’s how you can get in shape for spring break.


Get in Shape for Spring Break


Free Up Your Time


One of the main reasons we don’t have time to work out is because we are too busy. So maybe it’s time to free up some time! Impossible you say? Not really. If you look at all the stuff you have to do after work, there are places to save time.


My number one favorite, cleaning. Hire someone to do it for you! A company like UK Help can take the load off your back for a couple of months while you get into shape! It takes commitment to reach goals, and sometimes that means letting go of things you normally save on. And who knows, you might get used to it!


Ensure a Dietary Plan is in Place


Many try to lose beach body weight by going on drastic diets the month before they leave. It is important to remember that this can be very damaging to your body and, if you try to lose too much weight too quickly, it can have very adverse effects. Due to this, you should start planning now, going slowly and steadily.


To get in shape for spring break you’ll want to start by beginning your diet earlier, you can lose weight in a healthier fashion, and one that is more likely to leave lasting results. Start simple by just cutting out one undesirable item at a time, and then progress as your holiday date nears. By doing it this way, your diet will become a lifestyle choice, and you’re more likely to get lasting results you can easily maintain.


Set Achievable Goals


Plan a detailed timetable for your weight loss, and you’ll find it far easier to stick to. Spreadsheets and schedules may seem a little bit much, but it is far easier to keep a routine and a structure if you have them; especially if you’re someone who traditionally lacks in motivation.


Even with this, you can still be flexible, but it will give you a great guide on how you can meet the aforementioned aims. If you deviate from it, simply write on it and rearrange. What could be a simpler way of making sure you stay on track?



Invest in the Relevant Equipment


If you’re committing to a plan to get in shape for spring break, then it is wise to make a financial commitment too and get the right equipment for the job. Buying something like a treadmill from Fitness Warehouse, for example, will allow you to train form the comfort of your own home, and sometimes a financial commitment can ensure people take action and stick to their plan.


So, if you’re thinking about how to get in shape for spring break, start now. Make a plan and set achievable goals. These, allied with the right equipment, will mean that you’ll easily reach your target weight in plenty of time for summer.


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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