So you’ve saved the money and planned all the things. You’re finally going to be visiting Thailand! There are a few things you should know before you go, especially if you’re visiting Thailand from Australia.


Planning an overseas adventure can be daunting, but it’s also incredibly exciting. If you’ve been dreaming of going to Thailand, congratulations – you’re about to embark on an amazing journey that has the potential for memories and experiences for a lifetime.


To help ensure the best possible experience is had by all, and especially if you’re visiting Thailand from Australia, we have compiled all the essential information needed before heading off. Let us take some of the guesswork out of planning so that your dream trip feels like exactly that.

visiting Thailand from Australia

10 Things to Know If You’re Visiting Thailand from Australia 

Like other travel destinations, Thailand has its own set of customs and rules that visitors should be aware of. Therefore, it is important to have some knowledge of the country and its culture before you travel there.


This will play an important role in how the locals perceive and welcome you. By familiarizing yourself with the following information, you will be able to get a better understanding of what it’s like to travel in Thailand.


1. You’ll Need to Convert Your AUD

Before visiting Thailand from Australia, you’ll need to convert your Australian Dollars (AUD) into Thai Baht (THB). Converting AUD to THB can be done easily at many currency exchange centers in Australia.


Keep in mind, though, that the exchange rates can change quickly. One Australian Dollar is worth about 25 Thai Baht, so you’ll get a lot of bang for your buck in Thailand!


Before going to Thailand, be sure to stop by a currency exchange before you leave Australia so you can have some THB on hand for when you arrive. By doing this, you can save yourself time and money that would otherwise be spent on the conversion.

visiting Thailand from Australia, women shopping in thailand

2. Know the Language Basics

Learning the basics of Thai can be highly beneficial when visiting Thailand, whether you’re ordering a dish at a restaurant or communicating with a local guide.


For example, simply expressing your gratitude and appreciation to the wonderful people in this beautiful country, learning “Sawatdee” (hello), “Khop Khun” (thank you), and “Sabai dee mai?” (how are you?) will go a long way.


Even if English is widely spoken, it’s a significant gesture that locals will appreciate. Plus, it’s not hard to learn – these phrases are quite straightforward.


And this rule does not only apply to those visiting Thailand from Australia, it applies to visiting any foreign country. It’s just good overall travel etiquette. 

beach in Thailand, visiting Thailand from Australia

3. Plan for Popular Tourist Attractions

Before packing your bags for a trip to Thailand, it pays to do some research into the popular attractions. Bangkok’s Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha) are both must-visits if you’re keen on some historical sightseeing.


Pretty beaches can be found along many parts of the southern coast, too, so make sure to squeeze in some as part of your itinerary. A little bit of pre-planning and reading up on things to do in Thailand before you leave can really help maximize your time in Thailand – so make sure you come up with a plan before you go!

packing, visiting Thailand from Australia

4. Pack Light, Casual Clothing

Experiencing the beauty of Thailand is something you’ll never forget. Before visiting Thailand from Australia, it’s a good idea to investigate what the weather will be like.


Remember to pack light and keep it casual to ensure you’re comfortable and have all you need for a great adventure. Dressing too formally might be considered offensive, so find some casual clothes that are easy to wash.


Plus, sunscreen and insect repellent so you can enjoy your time in the strong sun without any fast-flying frizzies! Staying prepared will get you brunching at beachside cafés in no time.


5. Leave Your Shoes at the Door

One of the most interesting cultural customs when visiting Thailand is to take your shoes off at the door. Everything from temples and restaurants to friends’ homes will all require you to leave any footwear behind when entering.


It may sound inconvenient, but funnily enough, it isn’t. All you have to do is come prepared with socks or some easy-on flip-flops that can be quickly slipped on before re-entering anywhere that requires shoes.


So just remember, don’t forget the socks or slips, and enjoy your barefoot adventures in Thailand.

visiting Thailand from Australia, women bargaining

6. Learn How to Bargain

When visiting Thailand from Australia (or anywhere really), it’s a good idea to learn how to hustle. Bargaining is an important part of the shopping experience in Thailand.


You can bargain for practically anything, too, from souvenirs and clothing to even taxi fares. It takes a bit of finesse, so it’s wise to brush up on your bargaining skills before you hit the markets.


A good start is offering about half the asking price and going from there. You may want to throw in some humor as well!


It pays off when you’re friendly with the vendor and makes sure you remain polite no matter how long negotiations last. When you finally reach a price both parties are happy with – it’s an exhilarating feeling.

The Grand Palace Thailand, visiting Thailand from Australia

7. Be Respectful of the Royal Family

If you’re considering traveling to Thailand, it’s important to know the country’s culture and customs.


The monarchy in Thailand is respected highly, and thus it is essential to be respectful when discussing the royal family during your trip.


It would not be wise to make any negative comments. If you do, you may breach these majestic laws, which are taken very seriously even if you are unsure what could be interpreted as an insult or criticism.


Therefore, it’s best to err on caution and avoid any potentially controversial topics involving the royal family.

Taxi Bangkok

8. Learn About Local Transportation

Using the public transportation system in Thailand can be tricky, so it’s best to research ahead of time. Knowing the local buses and train timetables will help you get around much more efficiently.


Taxis are also great for short distances and when you don’t feel like haggling with tuk-tuk drivers. However, make sure that you know the routes and confirm rates before you take the taxi.


It’s also important to be aware that meters are not always used, and you should negotiate a price in advance.

Medical emergency

9. Prepare for Medical Emergencies

Whether you’re visiting Thailand from Australia or somewhere else, it’s wise to stay prepared for medical emergencies no matter where you are in the world.


Make sure to bring any medications that you regularly take with you, along with your insurance details and emergency contact list. Be aware of potential health risks such as mosquito-borne illnesses, rabies, and food poisoning.


You should also make sure you’re up-to-date on your vaccinations before visiting Thailand. If you do get sick, go to a hospital or clinic that is recommended by your hotel or tour guide.

travel insurance

10. Don’t Forget Your Travel Insurance

For any traveler, purchasing travel insurance is an absolute must! With all the uncertainties that come with traveling, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.


Travel insurance will protect you from unfortunate events such as lost luggage or sickness while overseas. It can even give you peace of mind for longer periods if you need to return home quickly.


When visiting Thailand from Australia it’s good to know that there are plenty of different providers offering travel insurance for exclusive prices. Finding one that fits your needs best shouldn’t be too hard.


Don’t just take our word for it, though – do your own research and make sure to read the fine print before signing up.

Phuket, Thailand, warm destinations, teach abroad
Phuket, Thailand


If you’re planning to be visiting Thailand from Australia, it’s good to have an edge and know these important Thailand travel tips before you go.


Traveling to Thailand for the first time can be exciting and overwhelming, but with a bit of preparation, you’ll be able to experience the best of what this amazing country has to offer.


By following these tips, you’ll be better equipped to tackle all the elements that come along with visiting this country – from haggling at markets to being respectful of local customs. Have a safe and enjoyable trip!


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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