Every so often the dispute will arise: Which is the better city, Rome or Paris? And the question of food is never far behind: namely, which gastronomy is more delicious, Italian or French?


Both countries are world-renowned for their amazing gastronomy. It’s no secret that the French are known for deliciously baked baguettes, cheeses, and wines. 


But it’s also not a secret that Italians take their gastronomy seriously. They also have an array of delicious dishes, from cheeses to wines and pasta and more! 


It can give you a headache trying to choose between the two. At the end of the day, the gastronomy you choose will be whatever type of cooking you connect to the most!


We hope that this article will give you a little more insight into Italian and French gastronomy to make your decision a little easier. No matter which one you choose, you’ll undoubtedly have a blast! 


In this article, we’ll try to settle this issue once and for all, comparing a typical Rome food tour with one through the city of Paris in order to compare one cuisine with the other and draw our conclusions.


So without further ado, let’s dive into this exciting debate.


2 Types of Gastronomy, Which is Better? You Decide


Let us preface this article by saying that choosing between Italian and French gastronomy is practically impossible, as both have a lot to offer and a lot depends on each person’s taste.


As a result, we’ve chosen to focus on the main characteristics of each and try to compare them.


We’ll talk about the main dishes that the countries are known for, as well as their eating schedules. You might find that you prefer the Italian dessert over the French, for example. 


You may prefer to start your meal with soup or a salad instead of cocktails and charcuterie. It all depends on your tastes!