You’re going to need road trip essentials for your next vacation. To prevent small problems on the road trip from becoming big ones, form a “wandering motorist set” in advance.
Old-school drivers carry with them an impressive car repair kit, the most popular spare parts, and a full range of technical fluids.
But this, of course, is overkill. In popular destinations, there are a lot of auto repair workshops and shops with spare parts. Why carry too much with you?
Even in such exotic countries as the UAE, today it is easy to find a service station with a good level of repair service. In case of breakdowns and any questions, it is more profitable to contact local auto repair shops.
The works of the service center in Dubai, for example, will be affordable and of high quality.
We will only talk about what you really need to take with you (except for personal items, a tire compressor, and a standard set of tools for changing wheels). Let’s check out our list of road trip essentials!
12 Road Trip Essentials You Need if You’re Road Tripping
Warning Triangle
First up on our list of road trip essentials is the warning triangle.
The warning triangle must comply with the technical requirements of UNECE Regulation No.27. It is desirable that it be in a case – it is more convenient to carry it and less likely to damage it.
And besides, the sign must be stable so that it does not blow off the road.