There are plenty of great reasons that you might want or need to be traveling with elderly loved ones. Your kids get the chance to spend time with their grandparents, as do you. It’s also good for older people to stay active and socially engaged in life.
Planning a family-friendly trip and traveling with elderly family members can be a bit more challenging, however, or at least have some additional considerations.
The following are some things to know about traveling with elderly loved ones and how you can plan ahead to make things comfortable, safe, and seamless.
Helpful Tips for Traveling with Elderly Loved Ones
Choose the Right Destination
When you’re planning a trip that will involve traveling with elderly parents or another older relative, consider whether the location will be senior-friendly.
Some of the things that can make for a destination that’s appropriate for all ages include accessibility for limited mobility, easy access to amenities, and access to medical care in case there’s an emergency.
When planning vacations for seniors, you also have to think about the time of year. For example, if you were traveling in the winter, would walkways potentially be icy or slippery?
You also have to think about the time of year. For example, if you were traveling in the winter, would walkways potentially be icy or slippery?
If you’re traveling with elderly family members in the summer, could the temperatures become too extreme?
When you’re picking a destination, you want to consider the activities you’ll do while you’re away and whether or not your loved one will be able to participate. Try to find at least some of your activities that won’t be too demanding and will be fun for everyone.
If there are going to be more intense activities that you do on your trip, think about what accommodations could be made. For example, if part of your trip will involve significant amounts of walking, could you rent an electric wheelchair or mobility scooter?
Flying or Driving?
Depending on where you’re going, driving might not be an option if you’re traveling with elderly loved ones. If it is, remember that it’s not necessarily always the best option for an older person.
Sometimes, flying can be more convenient and comfortable. If you are driving, plan on having plenty of breaks and stops along the way.
If you’re flying, some airlines offer services specifically for seniors as well as discounts. If you aren’t sure or can’t find the information, contact the airline directly.
They’ll also often have pre-boarding for older travelers and disability or wheelchair assistance getting to and from the gate.
Your loved one will have to go through security, so give yourself plenty of extra time and let the TSA official know if there are any health conditions that could impact the screening process.
Passengers 75 and older have the option to go through an expedited screening process that’s similar to TSA Precheck.
Aisle seats common have movable armrests, which are easier for some people to get in and out of. If you need a movable armrest for your relative to get from their wheelchair to their seat, let the airline know at least 48 hours in advance.
You should also let the flight attendant know if your loved one has any disabilities when you board. If you’re flying and it’s a long flight, don’t forget to bring compression socks to promote healthy blood flow.
Clear the Trip With Doctor
When you decide you’re going to be traveling with elderly loved ones, you might want to check in with their doctor if you have any doubts as to whether or not they can safely travel.
Even if you can’t go to an actual appointment, you may be able to schedule a telehealth call. It can be a good idea any time someone has a more complex medical condition.
You also want to get their recommendations for traveling. For example, the doctor might give you the all-clear, but with some stipulations.
Before traveling with elderly loved ones, go over your relative’s medications with the doctor to make sure you have a complete list of everything they take, the dose, and when.
Get Organized With Lists
When you’re traveling with elderly loved ones it’s important to know that their daily routine can be pretty rigid, and that’s important for them.
You should get organized ahead of time with lists about their eating and sleeping schedules, their medication schedules, and anything else they need to do on a regular basis.
Before traveling with seniors you should ask yourself, “Do they need supplies like hypodermic needs or medical equipment? What about things like dentures or diabetes testing kits?”
Create checklists for yourself to make sure you have everything.