Before the pandemic, traveling was at the top of everyone’s list. And they didn’t have to worry about a COVID travel packing list.


Most people frequently travel for work, business and vacation. The pandemic changed the way people do things, including traveling. The global shutdown entirely halted social gatherings and activities.


Although the spread and the effects of the pandemic have slightly declined due to world vaccination drives, the virus is still there, and it is hard to get rid of as the virus mutates frequently. The virus has now mutated into different strains; some of these strains have rendered the existing vaccines irrelevant.


COVID travel packing list


Therefore, although you might be vaccinated, you must be cautious at all times as you are still susceptible to the virus or any of its mutations. This means making a COVID travel packing list and checking it twice.


Before the pandemic, travel essentials mainly consisted of luxury travel items such as neck pillows, headphones, and the best carry-on luggage. However, since the beginning of 2020, travel essentials have changed dramatically.


To ensure that you are up to date with and are abiding by the latest travel restrictions and regulations, take note of this COVID travel packing list so you can be fully prepared.


Here are eight essential items needed when you travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.


face mask, COVID travel packing list


COVID Travel Packing List – Quick Guide

Face Mask


The first and likely most obvious item on our COVID travel packing list is the face mask. Face masks are the first personal protective equipment (PPE) item governments worldwide made mandatory.


It is now prohibited to enter any public space or amenity, such as the airport, planes, and other public transportation forms without one.


The KN95 mask is the most popular and most trusted face mask. The cover is made with 5-layers and blocks 95% of particles, and the FDA approves the cover.  


The mask is meant to protect you from spreading or contracting the virus. The virus attacks the eyes, nose, and mouth openings.


You can choose between disposable and non-disposable face masks, whichever suits your preferences.


face shield, COVID travel packing list


Face Shield


Next on our COVID travel packing list and similar to face masks are face shields. These are meant to protect you from contracting and spreading the virus by covering the eyes, nose, and mouth openings on your face.


Some people prefer shields over masks as masks can make breathing very difficult.


Shields are also more popular than face masks because they are made of transparent plastic material that allows other people to see your face when you interact with them.


The transparent material makes social gatherings more enjoyable as you can see the facial expressions of your friends and family.


Shields are also replaceable and reusable, making them more financially feasible than ordinary face masks.  


hand sanitizer, COVID travel packing list


Hand Sanitizer


The second rule that governments worldwide impose on their citizens is mandatory frequent hand washing or sanitizing. This process is meant to keep your hands clean to avoid touching any openings on your face with dirty hands.


Alcohol-based sanitizers are highly recommended by governments and health organizations around the world.


The World Health Organization recommends hand sanitizers that contain 80% ethanol or 70% isopropyl alcohol content. But with this, a 60% alcohol content sanitizer is considered effective as well.


Sanitizers are portable and come in various packaging. You can get hand sanitizers in bottles, tubes, and spray dispensers. The best option for you is entirely based on your preference.


antibacterial wipes, COVID travel packing list


Antibacterial Wipes


A popular alternative to hand sanitizers is antibacterial wipes. Unlike sanitizers packaged in a bottle that may carry germs and bacteria, antibacterial wipes are packaged in such a way that makes it ideally easy for you to access them without being exposed to germs and bacteria.


You may also use antibacterial wipes to wipe down surfaces such as tables, chairs, door handles, knobs, or an ATM.


You may use these wipes on any surface you interact with, a small effort that will genuinely go a long way in minimizing the spread of the pandemic-causing virus.


They are easy to pack and grab so, be sure to add them to your COVID travel packing list.


disinfectant spray, COVID travel packing list


Disinfectant Spray


It almost goes without saying that disinfectant spray should be part of your COVID travel packing list. Similar to antibacterial wipes, disinfectant wipes or sprays are used to decontaminate any personal items such as your phone, handbag, keys, or wallet that you may have touched with unclean or dirty hands.


What makes the spray the preferable option is that you can disinfect a surface without making any contact with it.


You are also highly advised to wash your hands with disinfectant soap for no less than a duration of 20 seconds. That is the equivalent of singing the Happy Birthday song chorus twice.


To ensure your hands stay clean after that, wear disposable hand gloves and regularly disinfect them as they are known to be prone to harboring germs and bacteria.


airplane seats, COVID travel packing list


Airplane Seat Covers


For good measure, we decided to add protective seat covers to this COVID travel packing list. These are another viable form of PPE.


These disposable covers are designed to be used in all types of public transportation, such as on buses, trains, airplanes, or taxi seats.


The seat covers are made with medical-grade material and an elastic back that makes them adaptable to any seat of any size. The covers are available in packs of four and eight.


The most common features are the covers for your head, back, arms, and where you are to be seated.


vaccine passport, COVID travel packing list


Vaccine Certification


Since the global rollout of vaccines worldwide, people have been urged to carry their vaccination passports or certificates during their travels. Many nations have prohibited international travel without a vaccine certification around the world.


However, regions are changing restrictions under the current risks. Therefore, travel bans are lifted and reimposed.


The effectiveness of the certificate is highly questionable, however, as there are rising concerns over anti-vaccine people. Many people have resorted to fabricating and falsifying vaccine certificates to resume their international travel.


negative covid test, COVID travel packing list


Recent Negative COVID-19 Test


Finally, we must not fail to mention on this COVID travel packing list, a negative COVID test result. If you are one of the people that are anti-vaccine for any reason, then your best option for you would be to have a negative COVID-19 test on hand.


However, there are many reservations about the authenticity of the test, the test must be taken within the last 48hours, and every time you travel, you must readily be able to produce one on request.


This consistent testing may get tiring, uncomfortable, and expensive. Therefore many travelers prefer to get the vaccine and only have to produce the same vaccine certificate repeatedly.


COVID travel packing list


In Closing


This COVID travel packing list of travel essentials is fundamental to a safe travel journey. Your travel should be effortless without any complications or bureaucratic red tape with these essentials in mind. 


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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