With the world opening back up for business, it’s an exciting time for anyone who loves to travel. Not to mention, those of us with loved ones scattered across the globe may be able to see them for the first time in almost two years. That being said, you’re probably wondering how to keep a bright complexion while traveling.


Follow these easy tips for a bright complexion while traveling.


Occidental Xcaret, Christa Thompson, traveling for the first time, Mexico


Maintain a Bright Complexion While Traveling


So, it goes without saying that many of us will be doing a significant amount of travel this holiday season. While flying is a time to zone out and listen to your favorite podcast, binge watch a show or even sleep, it can also wreak havoc on your skin.


The dry, recycled air can leave even the dewiest complexion looking bleak. But, as any good traveler knows, there are ways to keep a bright complexion while traveling the friendly skies. Here are some ways to keep you looking fabulous while jet-setting.


signs of abuse, what to wear on a plane, budget airline flight, bright complexion while traveling


Try Going Make-Up Free


One way to be able to maintain a bright complexion while traveling is to take off without any makeup on. Do your regular skincare routine the day of your flight, but if you’re traveling sans makeup, you’re able to tend to your skin during your flight – which is especially important if it’s a long one.


Though you’ll have to pack smaller sizes, it’s worth it to carry on some hydrating mist and an excellent thick moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out. And, don’t forget your favorite lip balm!


If you’re meeting someone special when you deplane, you can always choose to touch up your makeup from your seat before landing.


Bring Essentials For Your Trip


While everyone travels with their daily skincare routine items and makeup, too, it’s worth bringing some extra essentials to keep your complexion bright while traveling (and glowing while you’re away). Things like derma rollers and your favorite pumpkin enzyme mask are worth bringing.


Even those travelers with the most packed itineraries generally have a night or two where they’re relaxing in their hotel rooms watching television. So, packing these mini-spa essentials will ensure that you’re selfie-ready for the entirety of your trip!


bright complexion while traveling, water


Don’t Forget To Hydrate


Obviously, hydration is critical year-round, no matter where you are, so traveling is no exception. The difference may be, though, that while you’re traveling, you’re having the time of your life and aren’t getting in the typical eight to ten glasses a day that you would if you were home.


For this reason, it’s an excellent idea to bring a reusable (preferably stainless steel) water container with you to make sure you’re drinking enough. Water is not only essential to life, but it’s essential to maintaining a bright complexion while traveling.


Stay ahead of the game by staying on your drinking game!


Never Sleep With Your Makeup On


Sure, you’re having the time of your life, and it’s easy to be so exhausted at the end of the day from exploring, partying, or working, depending on your reason for travel. But, no matter how tired you are, stick to the rules you keep while you’re at home, too, and never sleep with your makeup on.


Every night you decide to fall asleep with your makeup on, you’re setting your skin goals back by several days. The makeup and environmental toxins you came into contact with during the day just have longer to sit on your face and clog your pores.


Toxins are incredibly clogging, so make sure you’re washing off all of your makeup nightly and sticking to your evening skincare routine if you want to maintain a bright complexion while traveling (and all year round).


Health travel tips, self-care on a budget


Eat Healthy Where You Can


Eating a nutritious diet is essential while traveling. And it’s important if you want to maintain a bright complexion while traveling.


Sure, one of the greatest joys of travel is experiencing the food wherever you go – but that doesn’t mean you have to only indulge in unhealthy options. Skin is a strong indicator of overall health, so if you’re binging on sweets and overly processed foods on your trip, it will show on your skin.


Seek out local farmer’s markets for snacks and dine in local restaurants that serve authentic fare. Chances are the ingredients in these places will be whole foods and minimally processed – which keeps your complexion bright!


Try Local Spas And Services


Another joy aside from food while traveling is experiencing how things are done in the country you’re visiting. One experience you could treat yourself to is a spa day towards the end of your trip.


Nothing gets you ready to board a plane back home or to another destination like a luxurious massage and a facial. Prepping your skin for more time in the air and the stress of traveling with a facial will go a long way to reinforce all the hard work you put into maintaining a bright complexion while traveling.


Final Thoughts 


Traveling is a privilege and a joy that not everyone can partake in. While it’s great to have the time of your life and see the world, it’s still important to take care of your health while doing so.


As mentioned earlier, your skin health is just as crucial as the rest of your body’s. Additionally, the routine and consistency of rituals taking care of your skin are great for your mental and emotional health. Be sure to follow the above tips not just to maintain a bright complexion while traveling, but to maintain your overall wellness too.


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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