If your kids are anything like mine, they love to be hands on. That’s why I find hands on hobbies for kids so important to enrichment.


As a parent, you want the best for your children’s future. Whether you have a toddler or a teen, it’s important to think about how you can support them now, so they’ll have the job skills needed to enter the world when it’s time.


Providing your child with a road map and the tools they need to succeed in their chosen career is a great way to show you care.


hands on hobbies for kids


Encouraging Hands-On Hobbies That Your Child Will Love


You know your kids better than anyone, and you can gauge whether they’ll take an interest in learning a new hobby or skill. For instance, if your child is into physical activities, then it may be hard to get them interested in computer coding. 


However, if you introduce them to the world of robotics, their curiosity may just take flight since it’s an activity that is more interactive.


There’s a whole world of fun and interesting hobbies and activities that cover technology, engineering and mechanical skills that will unlock your children’s potential.


kid fixing a car


Help Your Child Learn Automotive Skills


Kids and teens are often fascinated by motors, and what makes a car run. If he or she loves to tinker with machinery, then they’ll love learning how to fix motors. 


While it may not be appropriate to let your child work on your own car, you can enroll them in a car repair class for their age level. Children can learn how to install a boost gauge and take apart a transmission before they’re even old enough to drive! 


You can purchase hobby motor kits for them to practice on too, and eventually their own vehicle to work on. Automotive skills teach logical thinking, hand to eye coordination and physics.


Coding For Kids Promotes Learning Opportunities


Coding is the new literacy, and it’s a high-demand skill that employers want. If your child loves to play video games, coding their own game is a satisfying way to see the outcome of their hard work.


Learning to code helps with problem-solving skills, math, logic, and creativity. Kids who code and understand technology are more likely to do well in school. There are many coding for kids classes available locally or online that you can encourage them to take.


hands on hobbies for kids, kids making art


Let Your Kids Paint Outside

What better place to get dirty than outside! Your kids can really come up with some amazing art if you just give them the tools and let them have at it. The beauty that surrounds them will be their inspiration and it will also help them develop their motor skills.


Who knows, maybe you’ll have the next Picasso on your hands!


Expand Your Child’s Skills With Robotics


Robotics is a fun way for your child to learn the basics of engineering. In addition to computer programming skills, tinkering with robots introduces skills like project management, social skills, team building and problem-solving. 


The field of engineering offers many career opportunities that are extremely lucrative. You can enroll your child in robotics classes online or in a classroom setting. 


There are computer programs available that will allow them to create virtual 3D models of their own robotics projects too. Help your children prepare for their future by encouraging their interests in these great technical and mechanical fields today.


Learning new skills will help your kids with their academics, study skills and open up a whole world of possibilities. Hands on hobbies for kids can really enrich their lives and invite them to explore careers and passions they never may have explored before. 


hands on hobbies for kids


Let Your Kids Play with Your Cameras


This is one of the most fun things kids can do. And you’d be amazed at what they decide to photograph! Seeing the world through the lens can not only inspire your kids to appreciate the beauty around us but allow them to be creative and have fun.


Whether your kids are interested in technology or gardening, getting them to be hands on is the best way you can possibly give them the tools to succeed. Try these hands on hobbies for kids and you’re sure to spark their interests.


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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