Georgia has a new place to play, and kids are going wild over it. Great Wolf Lodge Georgia has opened its doors as the chain’s flagship resort. It’s Georgia’s hottest family travel experience, and we had the opportunity to check it out! Plus, the timing was perfect to catch a peek at their annual kid-friendly Halloween celebration, “Howloween”. So what did we think of Great Wolf Lodge? Well, put it this way, I was delightfully surprised. And my son, AKA GamerGaugeGG of Shadow Gaming AR, was on another planet, elated.


Now I’m going to be dead smack honest with you, being enclosed in a building surrounded by kids jacked up on candy and cracked out on fun is basically my own personal version of Hell. I mean, let’s be real here, adults are outnumbered, and there isn’t a quiet spot in the entire building (with the exception of your room where hopefully your kids will faceplant and find themselves in a fun induced coma so you can get some downtime). I’m probably the hardest person to sway when it comes to resorts like this. But all record-breaking decibels aside, Great Wolf Lodge Georgia had it all. And, with just the right amount of adult beverages, you might not even notice the noise.


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Just look at this place. They really did an incredible job.


Let’s Get Down to it, Great Wolf Lodge Georgia


Well, you’ve already read my cons. The place is crawling with kids and it’s really loud. One thing I’d like to add is that I didn’t notice an adult only quiet space like a spa, but there is an adult only “water oasis” which boasts “relaxation” however, it’s located in the main pool area which is loud AF. Okay, all that out of the way, you’re going to see that the pros far outweigh the cons here. And if you’re looking to treat your kiddo(s) to something special, this place is basically the closest thing to winning the golden ticket for Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. In other words, it’s like kid Heaven.


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My face after 6 hours of screaming kids. But really tho.
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Gauge’s face after 6 hours of screaming kids.


Imagine your child’s face when you ask them, “Hey, do you want to spend a few nights at a place where you can get ice cream, candy, pizza, hit up a ropes course, mini golf, bowling, MagiQuest, play in the arcade, rock climb and oh yeah, hang out in a massive indoor water park with awesome slides?”. Yeah, that face looks like wide eyes, followed by a jaw drop, and finally 60 seconds of jumping up and down. And c’mon, what parent doesn’t want to see their kid flip out with excitement right?


Great Wolf Lodge Georgia has all of that and more. With a staff dedicated to the hospitality experience of each and every guest, comfortable rooms that are big enough for the entire family, and a variety of dining options, they are really pulling all the stops. And bonus, they have an amazing restaurant called Barnwood which serves up southern cuisine for the family who wants a little more in their dining experience. We had the chance to sample more food than I’m willing to admit, and each dish blew my mind. The presentation and flavor were on point with some of the finer southern restaurants I’ve dined in during my years in Charleston, SC. I was very impressed.


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Lunch at Barnwood was amazing!


Howloween at Great Wolf Lodge Georgia


If you really want to send your kid into a stroke from excitement, then book your trip during Howloween. It’s a great way to get your money’s worth from that insanely expensive costume you’re kid will only wear once. Dress them up and take them around to different treat stations, and take in the less-than-scary Halloween decorations all throughout the hotel’s common spaces. I was especially impressed with their attention to detail for this event. There were awesome displays at every turn and even staff dressed in costume. It really was a great way to kick off the Halloween season. Or should I say, “Howloween Season”. There are few things more adorable than seeing a bunch of kids dressed up in Halloween costumes. For me, it was one of the highlights for sure.


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The staff dresses up for the trick or treating.
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It’s Howloween!
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I love all the cool Halloween decorations!
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One of the Halloween decorations.
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And he’s off to explore!


The Best Activities at Great Wolf Lodge + Photo Journal


Does it count if I say everything? From the moment we received our Wolf Passes to when we hopped back into our car, my kiddo was smitten with activities. He did the ropes course twice, hit the rock climbing wall, spent about an hour in the arcade, went bowling, and played mini golf with us. One of his absolute favorite things to do (and this comes from our many trips to Pigeon Forge), is to play MagiQuest. So he was super excited about that. This kid is straight addicted to this attraction. He got his wand and was off to the races bouncing all over the hotel looking for clues. And when he was done, he spent another hour at the indoor water park where he had a blast making an epic splash.


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We all had a blast!
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Rock climbing is harder than it looks.
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Candy for years.
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I think Gauge beat us at mini golf lol.
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MagiQuest, it’s just plain magical.
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Just look at this indoor waterpark!
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`This kid loved the ropes course!


How to Keep Your Sanity When You’re Surrounded by a Thousand Kids at One Time


I’ll keep this short and sweet. Booze, headphones and an endless supply of love. Of course, drink responsibly, or at least enough to where everything is freaking fantastic! If that’s not your thing, then I say, don’t be afraid to let them go nuts. They will pass out in the room later, and you’ll be able to get some peace and quiet. But don’t forget to sneak up a tub of Jelly Bellies first.


great wolf lodge georgia
You can bet, we’ll be back. Be sure to check out Gauge’s YouTube channel, shadowgamingAR!


It was a long day well spent at Great Wolf Lodge Georgia. My son was on cloud nine for like 8 hours straight, and despite the noise and the place crawling with kids, I was really happy to see him so happy. The hospitality is 1000% incredible. There is not a single person working in that building who doesn’t love their job. The rooms are spacious, there’s a good variety of dining options, and the place is oozing with fun. Every kid deserves to go crazy once in a while even if it means mom goes crazy too. I would definitely spend a few days at Great Wolf Lodge Georgia, but I really wish they had a spa!



Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson


  1. Great Wolf Lodge is an awesome place especially if you have kids, I’ve been to the one at Niagara but not the Georgia one, had no idea they just opened there. Great post

  2. incalexandra Reply

    Looks like a great time! I bet the kids had a blast. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful photos also 🙂

  3. The place looks amazinnnnnng…And the food, wow!!! I gotta visit it for sure. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  4. We have a Great Wolf Lodge where I live, but I have not been there yet. I enjoyed reading your post. It looks like you had a great time.

  5. Catherine shane Reply

    For me this place is a family.. A family place that everyone will enjoy they have it all from food, games to play, awesome pools and halloween theme park.. Perfect place for a full enjoyment

  6. Such a wonderful place for a family visit. Definitely putting on my travel list 🙂

  7. Catherine Santiago Jose Reply

    This is definitely should be in our a must to visit place and enjoyment for the family. You surely give us a very good glimpse of what this place has to offer. Thank you for sharing this to us.

  8. Wow, my kids would absolutely love this! If we ever get to Georgia, we’ll definitely make it a must. My kids really enjoy climbing walls and this one looks awesome!

  9. Hello BoundforSomewhere Reply

    Wow, Great Wolf Lodge looks amazing for familys! And the Halloween celebrations look fantastic!

  10. It seems like that place has everything. I don’t do well in crowds with noise, either. I know kids would enjoy even an afternoon of mini golf and a snack.

  11. I don’t think we have Great Wolf Lodge’s in the UK but they sound amazing (if a little loud!). I like that the quality of food didn’t suffer even with the amount of people there.

  12. This one appears to be way better than the one in DFW. And you are right it can be a difficult in a place like this but glad you all enjoyed.

  13. I loved your title and I loved the parents area lost in the kids one 🙂 We dont have this in France but I would love to visit!

  14. pujarinimitra Reply

    The Great Wold Lodge sounds like a great place to have fun with the whole family.

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