After a day of hectic work at home, everyone wants to come back and relax at home. But if there is a lot of noise around then it may become difficult to calm down and unwind. There are some ways available by which you can reduce noise at home and give it a peaceful ambiance. In case you are building a new home, completing a basement, or considering renovation, soundproofing walls is a great value-added improvement that you can make to your home.


The soundproofed walls will improve your everyday home living experience. Soundproofing the wall is not that expensive task, instead, it can be done at a much cheaper price rate, provided you know what exactly needs to be done. Mentioned below are some of the ways by which you can soundproof walls for noise.


How to soundproof home studio


Use noise reduction wall panels


Modern offices are obvious examples of excess noises. The acoustic absorption panels offer the perfect noise dampening materials for enhancing the home ambiance. These are available in lots of varieties like Flaps Collection, Planner Collection, Cumulous Collection, Stencil Collection etc.  These decorative acoustic wall panels have inventive designs and can also be utilized for defining the home. They are also available as architectural acoustic panels and acoustic walling solutions to deliver the best noise dampening solution.


Add extra drywall


As sounds are vibrations, one can get rid of those vibrations by using heavy, dense materials that stop noise in its tracks. The easiest tactic is to add a second layer of drywall to build up a solid, sound-numbing obstruction.


Determine the feeble points on the wall


When soundproofing your wall economically it is very essential to expend as little stuff as possible. In order to spend a little amount of stuff, you will require to cover up small areas. In order to do so, you should check around the room and find out whether there is a door or window which you can soundproof. Doors and windows are always considered as the feeble points as these are the areas from where the noise enters. In addition to this, you should seal all the openings that you can get to see between the door frames as well as between the window frames. There is one more thing which you can do which is you can add soundproofing curtains which will help to decrease the sound coming from outside considerably.


Know the source of the noise


Prior to going ahead and soundproofing the wall, it is important to discover the starting place of the sound. Remember that there are quite a few types of noise and two main ones are impact noise and airborne noise. Airborne noise is passed on through simply air and these noises have high to middle frequencies. In case you are only getting airborne noise, then use can use some acoustic foam panels. On the other hand, the impact noise is a bit hard to insulate. Thus, here you should use stronger insulators.


Install foam mats


If you find that installing the drywall is too costly or takes too much time and effort you can try using foam mats. These mats can be installed easily and they often help in preventing noise from coming inside.


Fill up the vacant space within the house


In case a vast room has only a few types of furniture then it is quite common to hear annoying echoes. Thus, in case you have a spacious room with small furniture and it is horrible to spend time on it, try decreasing the reverberation of the room by filling the room with some gorgeous looking furniture. Bookshelves and cabinets on the wall cover up a huge area so they will function as excellent insulators. One more thing that can be done is to cover up your walls is adding some attractive wall art.


Soundproofing Insulation


During remodeling or building, an efficient and reasonably priced way to perk up the soundproofing performance of ceilings and walls is to put bat or blanket insulation between beams or studs. This soaks up the noise that would or else easily pass through the air pockets among wall frame.


Use reprocessed cotton batts


Even though cotton batts do not obstruct sound, they diminish sound by captivating sound within the wall. These materials end noise energy from returning within the wall hollow spaces. Thick cotton batting stuff, not only lessens noise, but it also insulates. This soundproofing insulation functions better than thermal insulators, and thus it is a prudent alternative to other options.


Cut down on noise making appliances


Cutting down on noisemakers does not mean sending your kids off to play at your neighbor’s house, or asking the neighbors to be a little quiet. It actually means opting for quieter appliances when it is time to buy new ones. These days a number of manufacturers are coming up with premium appliance models that are designed to be very silent even when they work on the full mode and this helps in keeping the home noise free.


Seek the assistance of the professional interior decorator


In case none of the above-mentioned things work for you to soundproof the walls, you can think of hiring a professional interior decorator. They will evaluate the place thoroughly and analyze it before offering a solution to the customers. They can even offer you with innovative solutions such as adding blinds on the window and doors, sealing the door and window gaps, and add furniture pieces within the home.




Noise has become a consequence of the busy lives, and accompanying it the noise pollution has been created. Certainly, noise pollution within the home can mess up your sleep, infringe on your privacy, add to our stress, and generally compromise the quality of life. Luckily, you can employ a number of noise-reducing or soundproofing initiatives to get rid of the problem as discussed above. However, the most efficient procedures are best done during a construction or renovation project as they involve utilizing insulation and modifying the way walls and floors.


Nia is an Associate Editor at The Fairytale Traveler and self diagnosed travel junkie. Having traveled to 5 of the 7 continents, her love of good food and culture is a force to be reckoned with. When she isn't off adventuring with her husband, which she writes about on her blog CircaWanderlust, she can be found with a good cup of tea cuddling her pups and taking pictures of her food. She loves black and white movies and could listen to Elvis on repeat.

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