When most people go to Australia or think about going there, they think of the endless golden sandy beaches and being there in the heat of summer. Of course, it’s a great place to explore out of the summer season but, if you want to experience the Australia you’ve always imagined, it’s best to pick at least a late spring or summer month to see the country in all its glory.


Having said that, the heat of Oz can be relentless, and that has definitely been the case this January, with a heatwave affecting different parts of the country. One great way to cool down is to escape the midday or afternoon sun and head to a café or bar to experience the amazing foods to eat in Australia, especially the sweet treats that the country has either invented or made its own.


Here are Just a Few of the Sweet Foods to Eat in Australia


foods to eat in Australia


The Freakshake

Freakshakes are a worldwide phenomenon now, but they were first dreamt up in Australia. If you’ve not encountered one before, imagine a milkshake that’s made with a few generous scoops of ice-cream and then bombarded with all kinds of toppings and side accompaniments.


These can include sprinkles, pretzels, doughnuts, slices of cake, lashings of Nutella and popcorn. There are basically no limits when it comes to a freakshake!  The first freakshake was concocted by a woman named Anna Petridis for her café in Canberra.


The Freakshake

Ice-cream, anyone?

What’s going to be top of the list if you’re coming off the beach all sandy and sun-baked? An ice-cream always does the trick – giving you an energy boost with the sugar and cooling you down at the same time.


There are hundreds of ice-cream options available across Australia, of course, so there’s no limit to the number of flavours and different ways you’ll find them served up. If you’re a gelato aficionado, Deliveroo has a guide to the finest gelato joints in Sydney to give you an idea of some of the tempting flavour combinations on offer.

Places to eat in Bergen
The Little loves his ice cream. There’s a great spot at the end of the harbor.


The Pavlova

Named after a ballerina called Anna Pavlova, the origins of this light and airy dessert made from meringue, fresh cream and various fresh fruits, are disputed. The Aussies claim it was first made in Western Australia by chef Herbert Sachse as a tribute to the ballerina who was touring the country back in the 1920s.


New Zealanders, however, claim this delicious pud as their own creation. No matter where it was actually invented, this is a dessert that’s enjoyed around the world today, but it features very regularly at Aussie dinner parties and on restaurant menus.




The Tim Tam

Every country has its favorite cookie and biscuit ranges – the ones that people have grown up with and reminisce about their childhoods with. In the US, it might be Pepperidge Farm or Chips Ahoy cookies; in the UK, it might be McVities chocolate digestives. In Australia, it’s the Arnott’s Tim Tam sandwich – two crunchy biscuits sandwiched together with a smooth cream and encased in a coating of chocolate.


While this is a sweet treat that won’t necessarily help cool you down – and indeed should be kept cool so it doesn’t melt – it’s still one of the classics you ought to try while in Oz. If you’re heading on a long journey, stop off at a grocery store and buy a pack to enjoy the trip and grab a taste of Australian history at the same time.


Of course, there are plenty of other ways to get a sweet hit in Oz – and probably many of those are healthier options too, such as freshly pressed juices and smoothies. But, hopefully, we’ve tantalized your tastebuds a little while you’re considering what to sample on a trip to Australia.


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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