Best Buy sent me a Cujo Smart Firewall for the sake of this review. The opinions in this review are true.


I’ve been thinking about getting a firewall for my house lately. With 12 devices online, a child under 13 and a business, it seemed like something I should be shopping for. I mean, you can never be too safe when it comes to your personal information and being able to govern what your children have access to seems like the best way to keep them away from adult content. So, when Best Buy asked me if I wanted to review the CUJO Smart Firewall, I had to say yes. Here’s my take along with some practical information on my newest gadget obsession.


CUJU Smart Firewall


First, let me set the scene here…


I work from home. I spend no less than 50 hours a week on my desktop. When I am not on my desktop, I am working on my phone or my laptop, (from home). My son is a YouTuber. He also works from home. He also watches countless videos and plays online games on his tablet. My other half is glued to his phone, usually playing games and watching Facebook or YouTube videos. When we are not glued to one of these devices, we are streaming from Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon on one of our smart devices. We have a PS4, a PS3, a Wii U, a ZTE Spro 2 Smart Projector, a Google Home and 2 Google Chromecasts. I kid you not, we are always online. And up until now, I’ve had no parental control beyond what I can manage on YouTube and PS4. So what does this all mean?


CUJU Smart Firewall


It means we are leaving ourselves wide open for cyber attacks and that I’m probably slacking hard in the parental control department. But, the CUJO Smart Firewall claims business level security to your home network which means, I am this mom just leveled up. But that’s far from all it does.


What is a CUJO Smart Firewall and What Can it do?