Travel bucket list ideas are many. We’ve all got our own personal bucket lists. You know the kind of thing! The things that you want to do and see before you die. For some people, the list is incredibly long and for others, it’s just a few specific things.


There are also those who have different bucket lists for different parts of their lives. Things that they want to experience, things that they want to learn, etc. But there’s one thing that almost everyone has on their bucket list: travel.


If you ask anyone about things that they want to do before they die, they will almost certainly have at least a few places that they have always wanted to see. This is, by far, one of the best things that you can have on your bucket list.


After all, possessions tend to lose their appeal after a while, but when you take an incredible trip somewhere, you get to hold onto those memories forever. Often the trips you take come to define you as a person.


Many people go traveling somewhere exciting and come back permanently changed because of the experience. Those are the kinds of things that you really come to value more than anything else.


The question is, where should you travel to?


travel bucket list ideas


Here are a few places you need to have on your travel bucket list!


Let’s face it; the world is a big place and, unless you’re extremely lucky, there’s not very much of a chance that you’ll get the chance to go and visit every single amazing place that it has to offer. That means that you’ve got some potentially tough choices to make.


A lot of the time what you decide will come down to the kind of person that you are and the kind of experiences that you want to have. But there are some places that everyone should visit at least once in their life, the kinds of places that are so remarkable that every single person on earth is going to find something extraordinary about them. With that in mind…


Travel bucket list ideas
Photo Dennis Jarvis CCL


Bucket List Idea — China


China is the kind of place that you could visit over and over again every year for decades and still never get to see everything that it has to offer. No matter what you want out of a trip, China has something for you. If you want to appreciate things like architecture then what could possibly be better than a trip to The Great Wall, one of the true wonders of the world!


Perhaps you’re more interested in soaking up the culture of a country that you’re visiting? Few countries have a more vibrant and historical culture than China. With temples littered throughout the country, traditional festivals carried out all year round, and, of course, the food!


While many westerners assume that they know about Chinese food, in reality, a lot of Chinese people wouldn’t even recognize the kinds of things that we tend to eat. The food is often far lighter and less greasy, with a focus on fresh ingredients and delicate flavors.


There’s so much to visit that you’ll probably want to pack in as much as possible, so something like a China tour is going to be a great option. Just be warned, you may well find yourself wanting to go back over and over again.


Travel bucket list ideas
Photo Anup Shah CCL


Bucket List Idea — New Zealand


There’s a reason that just about every single person who has ever visited New Zealand has fallen head over heels in love with the place. There are few places on earth with more gloriously beautiful natural sights than this enigmatic little country.


What it might lack in size it makes up for in beauty and culture. Whether you’re looking to enjoy the snow-covered mountains or prehistoric forests, or you want to immerse yourself in Maui culture, there are things for everyone to enjoy in New Zealand.


Of course, who could pass up the opportunity to visit the locations that were used in filming the Lord of The Rings trilogy? Not only is New Zealand one of the most fun and exciting places to visit but it’s also one of the easiest. It has an incredibly well-developed infrastructure that makes traveling to and from it a total breeze!


Travel bucket list ideas
Photo Pedro Szekely CCL


Bucket List Idea — Japan


If you want to discover one of the most innovative and exciting countries in the world, then you have no excuse not to put Japan on your travel bucket list. Often considered to be the home of technological advancements, Japan certainly doesn’t disappoint in that regard, with the incredible sights of Tokyo making you feel as though you’ve practically stepped into the future!


On the other hand, Japan is also a country that is deeply rooted in its traditions. The ways in which the old and the new combine and work together in Japan is part of the reason it’s such a truly unique and remarkable place.


So, whether you’re interested in the incredibly beautiful Buddhist temples or you’d rather soak up the modern, fast-paced culture of twenty-first-century Japanese life, there’s something in this extraordinary country to make you happy. Not only that but, similarly to China, you’ll get the chance to experience the traditional versions of food that you may have only had in its westernized form.


Travel bucket list ideas
Photo Tambako The Jaguar CCL


Bucket List Idea — South Africa


South Africa is a place that has suffered because of a widespread, and mostly inaccurate cultural perception in the west. A lot of people in the west assume that South Africa is a place that is exclusively consumed by poverty and hunger. While there are definitely parts of Africa that still suffer from this serious problem, South Africa is actually an incredibly vibrant and diverse culture with a great deal to offer.


If you take a trip to South Africa, you’re likely to discover that it not only offers amazing natural beauty and wonder but is also a place that is steeped in a rich and significant culture. Even just a single day there is enough to show you just how wrong the perception that many people have of this incredible country really is.


If you want to experience some of the most beautiful natural sites you’ll ever see, then South Africa can provide. Would you rather enjoy the hustle and bustle of a thriving city? South Africa can offer that to you as well.


Or perhaps you’d be happier sitting back with a glass of wine in the sunshine? Then why not take a visit to one of South Africa’s many high-quality vineyards and wineries.


Many of them offer tours and can show you how many of the most delicious wines in the world are made. Not only that, but it’s also one of the best places in the world to visit when you want to experience wildlife.


There are plenty of nature reserves across the country, such as the amazing Addo Elephant National Park, and you’ll get the chance to be up close and personal with some of the most breathtaking and beautiful animals in the world.


Travel bucket list ideas
Photo Giuseppe Milo CCL


Bucket List Idea — Italy


There’s a reason Italy is so high on many people’s list of places to visit. Everything about it just screams beauty. From the beautiful architecture to the beautiful art, to the beautiful food, to the beautiful people! There are few places that are more in tune with their own cultural identity than Italy, and after spending some time there, you’ll find yourself wanting to be a part of it.


The sheer sense of romance and excitement that exudes from every corner of Italy’s many amazing cities are enough to leave a lot of people feeling utterly breathless. If you’re looking for somewhere to take a romantic trip, then there’s nowhere better in the world. What could possibly be more romantic than taking a gondola ride through Venice with your partner?


Or perhaps you’re more artistically minded, in which case there is no shortage of galleries and museums filled with some of the most beautiful art in the world! With remarkable natural sites, historic landmarks, bustling markets, and one of the best and most exciting nightlife in the world, Italy is the kind of place that has something for everyone. And, of course, there are few places in the world that serve more incredible and delicious food.


In Closing


The places that you travel to will often become incredibly personal to you. So much so that they might even become a genuine part of who you are. They help you not only learn about the world around you, but they also teach you something significant about yourself as well.


Every person’s bucket list should be filled with incredible countries to visit all around the world. There are so many extraordinary places to visit that there was no way this list could possibly fit them all in, but hopefully, it’s given you a sense of how diverse and incredible the world really is. The world is out there, and it’s waiting for you, all you need to do is take the leap, reach out, and grab it.


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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