These world-famous landmarks will take you on an adventure through myth and lore. There are many stories that we know well today about events and places that existed a very long time ago. In some cases, we are able to visit the places which formed the basis of these legendary stories, and in most cases, these are journeys that are well worth making. These famous landmarks will take you on an adventure through myth and lore.


Check out These World Famous Landmarks


world famous landmarks, troy, turkey
Photo Peter CCL


Troy, Turkey


The city of Troy is well known for the legend of the Trojan Horse that Greek troops hid inside to gain access to the city which they then destroyed. The reason that the Greeks were so annoyed with the Trojans was because Helen of Sparta had run off with a prince of Troy. She was now Helen of Troy — the face that launched a thousand ships. The city was lost for hundreds of years before it was discovered in part of what is now modern-day Turkey.


world famous landmarks, valley of the kings
Photo Aleksandar Cocek CCL


Valley Of The Kings, Egypt


Of all the world-famou