There are so many reasons to love the Halloween season, especially when it comes to researching mythical monsters. Tracing the origins of mythical beasts in books and film is among one of my favorite things to research. Here are a few you may recognize.
Mythical Monsters in Books and Film
Black Shuck
The first of our mythical monsters is the Hellhound or the Black Shuck. This ghostly black dog wanders around the East of England, usually on the coastlines of Norfolk and Suffolk. Watch out for his glowing red eyes, and sharp claws which he used to mark the church door in Blythburgh. Black Shuck is commonly known as a harbinger of misfortune, so if you see him beware!
Where to Find this Monster: This wild dog beast can be found in its original form as the ‘Hellhound’ most recently in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

The Lantern Man
In the fens of Eastern England, if you’re out after dark then beware. The Lantern Man is a variation of will-o’-the-wisps.
Both are trails of ghostly light which, if followed, will lead to peril. The Lantern Man is specifically drawn to the sound of whistling, and his trail of lights lures victims into the treacherous marshes.
Where to Find this Monster: The Pixar film Brave, which is set in Scotland, features trails of ghostly lights. They lead the main protagonist, Merida, to her fate.
The Will-o’-the-Wisps Clip from Pixar
Herne the Hunter
In Windsor Forest in Berkshire, there is an oak tree. It was here that a hunter named Herne supposedly hanged himself after he was cursed to lose his hunting skills. Herne’s restless spirit returned to have revenge upon those who plotted his