The number one bloodsucker, or was he? Many of us know Vlad Dracula III from the notorious work of Bram Stoker’s, Dracula. The blood-letting vampire of Transylvania, the father of all vampires. The legend of this dark prince is compelling and has been woven into the fabric of the western world however, it is a stretch from the real story of Prince Vlad Dracula of Wallachia (now modern-day Romania).
Dracula -Son of he who has the Order of the Dragon – The Most Evil Men in History

A Warm and Fuzzy Family History of Vlad Dracula III
Vlad Dracula was son of Vlad Dracul, dracul meaning “dragon” and this dragon dude was the head of the Christian Order of the Dragon, an elite group of Royalty with a hellbent mission to defend the cross against the Turks and the Hungarians, no matter what the cost. For Vlad Dracul this meant making his two sons the sacrificial lambs to his Hungarian enemies as an offering (and insurance policy) of peace. Kinda…

Ultimately, Vlad Dracul had no intention of peace with the Turks or Hungarians and was planning a massive attack. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Vlad Dracula and his brother Radu III “the Handsome” were being