There’s no better way to see a film than with an entire theater full of the people who made it. That’s right! The energy leading to, during and after the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 red carpet premiere in Atlanta at the historic Fox Theater yesterday was comparable to that of Ego’s core. That’s what happens when you see a multi-million dollar blockbuster Marvel film in Atlanta. It’s pure magic. And, you never know who’s going to turn up! Especially in Marvel, Georgia, USA!


Yesterday while I met up with my Geek Girl Travel partner in crime Emma Loggins of Fanbolt to check out the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 red carpet premiere in Atlanta. There I had the opportunity to interview a couple big names from Marvel production. I went with fun questions and a little bit of down home. This is what went down. Looking for the review? Go here for my complete Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 review.


Christa Thompson, Emma Loggins, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 Atlanta Premiere


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Red Carpet Premiere Atlanta Interviews


Former Senator Chris Dodd, Chairman and CEO of the MPAA


The former Senator of Connecticut is a true comic book fan. It goes to show you never know what geeks are hiding under what suits. I asked Mr. Dodd, current chairman and CEO of the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) just what he thought about superheroes, villains and whether he would be team Thor or team Hulk this November for Thor: Ragnarok


Dodd on villains:


You know it’s hard to pick a good villain. I’d say Yondu, the guy with the spikey hair from the Guardians of the Galaxy.”


Dodd on superheroes:


My favorite superhero when I was a kid was always Superman. I mean look at my gray hair! Then Spider-Man came along but Superman was about as good as it gets. I wasn’t a Batman guy. You could see Superman on the television every week!”


Dodd on team Thor or team Hulk:


I’m going to have to say team Hulk!”


Fox Theater, Atlanta Georgia,
Theater view / Photo Copyright Christa Thompson 2016


Marvel Studios, David Grant, VP of Physical Production


David Grant is very enthusiastic about filming in Atlanta. We all know that Atlanta is well known for its walkers, but what did David have to say about Atlanta becoming Marvel, Georgia, USA, what superhero would he be and why does he love Atlanta so much on a personal level?


Grant on Marvel in Georgia:


So you can absolutely say that Atlanta can be called Marvel, Georgia, USA. As for what superhero would make me best at my work? Captain America would make me perform best at my job.”


Grant on his favorite superhero:


I don’t know if I can politacally say it but if I had to choose a favorite to help me at my own work, I’d have to say Captain America.”


Grant on Atlanta:


As for Atlanta, the neighborhood feeling is everywhere. I had the chance to experience the Inman Park Festival and compared to a lot of cities you guys have neighborhoods and a community that a lot of cities don’t have. I loved experiencing that.”


Marvel Studios, Charles Newirth, Executive Producer, Ant-Man and the Wasp


Charles is also very enthusiastic about Marvel filming here and talks about the film industry in Georgia, filming on location in and around Atlanta, his favorite superhero, why he love’s the ATL and why maybe he should have been a vampire.


Newirth on filming in Georgia:


Ant-Man and the Wasp is in pre-production now and begins shooting in summer. We will continue well into the fall here in Atlanta. Ant-Man was the first Marvel film ever shot here in Georgia. There have been many since then and it shows how much we love filming here. We have so much cooporation from the city and the state. We also have the best sound stages, we work with Pinewood Studios. We’ve really created a family here so it’s been a wonderful experience. And, we’ve brought together the same people from the first Ant-Man film on the second one so we’re real excited.


Newirth on his favorite superhero:


My favorite superhero is Iron Man because I always wanted to fly. I think that would be the most amazing thing in the world. There are other superpowers I wish I had, like the power to convince people to do what I want them to.


Maybe there will be a superhero meets vampire mash-up. Either way, Charles is in the right place with Georgia being known for its mythical creatures, walkers and now superheroes.


Newirth on his favorite thing about Atlanta on a personal level:


My favorite thing about Atlanta, let me tell you, I’m a foodie. I love to eat. I travel all over the world and Atlanta has the most amazing variety of good food, delicious restaurant that I’ve ever seen in the United States. I’m lovin’ it!” My only thing is how am I going to keep my beltline from expanding?”


Newirth on on-location shoots:


It’s going to be like 50/50 on location and on sound stage shoots. So the folks in Atlanta will see us around town and hopefully smile in our faces. No more Pym Tech. It literally is what it became in the movie. I drove by with Peyton Reed the other day and we all had a moment of silence for what was Pym Tech.


Fox Theater, Atlanta Georgia,
Inside the incredible Fox Theater / Photo Copyright Christa Thompson 2016


Lars P. Winther, First AD of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2


Lars has worked on multiple Marvel films here in Georgia including Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and now Ant-Man and the Wasp. He has a lot of experience filming in Atlanta and Georgia. Here’s what he has to say about some of the location work for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.


Lars on location: 


We shot mostly at Pinewood. There were only three on location days. We shot up in Cartersville for a day with some helicopter shots and then we shot at the Dairy Queen at Stone Canyon. We also shot at the Convention Center by the Atlanta airport.


On Atlanta as a destination and a place to work:


It’s easy to get in and out of. It’s a big city with a lot of great restaurants and great places to live. You’ve got 60 soundstages here now so, plenty of places to put a big budget film. You have various locations to shoot and plenty of woods. They know how to handle the film community. They take good care of us. The heat can get a little brutal but I enjoy 100% working here.


The Wrap


It was great to experience the enthusiasm for Georgia from the Marvel production team. Atlanta is such a great place to live and work and it’s nice to hear that the film community feels the same. Looks like Marvel and big budget film is here to stay!


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson


  1. Pingback: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Review - The Galactic Sequel was Hilarious and Emotional |

  2. I am not going to lie … I am TOTALLY jealous!! I am a MAJOR Marvels fan and Guardians is my all time favorite movie and cast! I also have a major crush on Rocket and Groot!
    We are going to an early screening tomorrow and I am so excited! It’s not a red carpet event but it’s the best we get here in Kansas lol.
    We get an early screening through my husband’s work luckily.

  3. Oh my goodness what an absolutely amazing and exciting opportunity, I loved reading the question and answers as well! How interesting.

  4. How cool that you had this opportunity! This would be so fun! I love reading what the actors have to say at interviews!

  5. Claudia Krusch Reply

    This must have been so fun. I am so excited to go see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 this weekend. Groot is my favorite character.

  6. I actually never saw the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie but after seeing all of the previews for the second I need to watch both of them!! Great post!!

  7. The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 red carpet premiere had to be so much fun to attend. The questions and answers are quite interesting. It just goes to show you anyone can love the Marvel movies. We can’t wait to see this movie. Thanks for sharing this awesome Q & A with these awesome people.

  8. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! I loved the movie and cannot wait to see it again! YOu had some good questions to ask!

  9. I can’t wait to see this movie. My husband is really excited to see it. He loved the first one. That’s really neat that you got to see the red carpet premiere.

  10. This looks like you had a great time! Our 3 boys loved the first and can’t wait to see #2!

  11. Tami @ ThisMomsDelight Reply

    My hubby would have enjoyed the premiere. He is a Guardians fan.

  12. How did I miss this and I am in Atlanta. OMG I am so jealous you got to get the inside scoop on this, I need an invite next time 🙂

  13. Thats so cool you got to be apart of this. Must admit though i’ve never heard of this film so would want to watch number 1 before 2 haha

  14. ascendingbutterfly Reply

    As a former professional film critic for a newspaper, press screenings still feel much like a ‘busman’s holiday’ to me! LOL 🙂

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  15. Looks like Georgia is really getting a return on investment – not always the case but great when it does.

  16. super lucky you! I would love to experience this some time soon… That theater looks beautiful and to be in good company as you get to walk into that amazing place makes for a great time. thanks for the review.

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