In Paris, there are stunning new restaurants, bars, and cafes opening, every week. You could eat out morning, noon and night and still not keep up with all of the openings. But, every now and again it is nice to step back in time and eat in one of the city´s beautiful historic restaurants. There are numerous restaurants in this beautiful city that have been serving fantastic food for well over a century.


historic restaurants
Image Source Flickr


Perhaps the best-preserved, and traditional, of them all is the Bouillon Camille Chartier at 7 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre. Eating there is an experience that no visitor is going to forget. It has a real old-world charm and the food is wonderful too. But you wouldn’t want to arrive without some style. Afterall, you are on vacation right? It’s the best time to dress up! And don’t forget that Paris is a great destination for some fantastic fairytales


Bouillon Camille ChartierImage source CCL


What to Wear to the Bouillon Camille Chartier at 7 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre


First Things First There is No Dress Code


When you look at photos of the place, you would expect there to be some sort of dress code. In reality, there is none. You can dress as casually or as smartly as you like. So, potentially anything you see here on this fashion retailer´s website could be bought and worn for the occasion.


You really can follow your soul and wear any style of clothing. But, my advice would be to take the opportunity to dress up a bit. Aim for a smart, slightly sophisticated look and you will fit in really well with the stylish surroundings that you will be dining in.


But You Can Go for a Vintage Look


Alternatively, try out a retro look. If you have access to vintage clothing from the early 1900s this could be a good time to wear them. The restaurant opened in 1896, so you will really fit in with your surroundings by wearing this style of clothing.


Or Maybe an Ultra Smart Look


If you do not fancy that idea dressing in one of this year´s skirt suits is another great alternative. There are plenty available, so it is really easy to find something that you will feel comfortable and stylish in.


How About Something Classic


A classically cut dress paired with the right boots or shoes and a nice jacket or wrap would also work well. If you want to feel a little more glamorous opt for a full-length maxi-dress.


Perhaps a Touch of Luxury


In a place like Bullion, you can get away with wearing luxury fabrics. This year´s sequined tops are probably a bit much for this venue, but a simple bright pencil-skirt paired with a soft silk blouse would strike the right note.


Do Dress in Layers


At this time of the year, it is best to dress in layers. This is because you can never be sure what the weather is going to do. Layering gives you the chance to remove or don something extra, so you can stay warm enough.


Footwear wise boots are by far the best option. So, choose an outfit that will look good with boots. That way if you wake up to snow, freezing fog or heavy rain you will not be left frantically trying to put together an alternative outfit for your special meal out in this landmark Parisian restaurant.


Other Historic Dining Options in Paris


If you really enjoy your meal in the old-school surroundings of Bouillon Camille Chartier, there are several other historic restaurants that you will also like. You can easily find out all about the best of them by clicking this link.


Regardless of what you wear, you’re in Paris! Everything about this city is old and vintage, historic and glamorous. No matter where you dine or what you’re style is, you’re never going to forget this city. And you’ll certainly never forget the Bouillon Camille Chartier at 7 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre.


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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