It’s typically around this time of year that people begin planning to get away for a while. But, it’s also a good idea to plan for things to do when you can’t travel.


After working hard and saving all year long, you’re ready to spend time with people you love, explore new destinations, and take a much-needed break from your normal routines.


Unfortunately, this year is different. The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on the entire world resulting in many regulations, restrictions, and changes to every-day life. 


In an effort to protect citizens, country leaders have implemented changes that include sheltering in place, social distancing, the closure of non-essential businesses and events, and lastly, the restriction of travel (in certain areas).


With so many changes in place, planning a fun-filled vacation may have to be put on hold. Don’t worry though. There are a lot of things you can do to occupy your time this season even with your travel plans on hold. 


staycation, things to do when you can't travel, travel season on hold, doormat, home
Photo by Kelly Lacy from Pexels


Things To Do When You Can’t Travel



It may not be safe to travel internationally (or even to certain states in the US), but that doesn’t mean you can’t still “get away” if you need to.


A staycation is just what you need. This is essentially a vacation right in your hometown. Though this may sound pretty boring, most people have not explored the entirety of where they live.


Chances are your hometown has several upscale hotels. Nothing relaxes you like being pampered in luxury for a weekend. Find a nice hotel in your area book a weekend and spend a few days as a tourist in your own city. 


There’s a lot of history, culture, and excitement to be found close to home. And with the travel and hospitality industries in a bind, you’ll be surprised to find there are a lot of deals you can take advantage of.


For those wanting more adventure, consider incorporating unique activities into your staycation. Experience a thrilling helicopter ride in Melbourne, offering magnificent views of various landscapes, especially the city skyline. This unforgettable experience will make your staycation feel like a true getaway.


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Day Trips


Though not the same as traveling, day trips can also be a fun way to spend your summer. Look for things to do or explore that you haven’t done yet.


Just like planning a staycation, there is a lot of history, culture, and excitement to be found within driving distance of you. 


Plus a day trip is usually quite a bit cheaper than a plane ticket (especially if you have a family). You could go on a hike or walk, find a biking trail, or catch a ride on a helicopter or boat. You can even take a local food or drink tour.


Other options include checking out new exhibits at museums or art galleries. It can also be fun to plan a trip to a nearby park or beach you’ve never been to.


Whether you’re in your hometown or a few hours away, let yourself get immersed in the culture of the area by attending outdoor community events. 


things to do when you can't travel, time outdoors this summer, bbq


Family Gatherings


For the past few months, everyone has been sheltered in their homes to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. So, chances are you haven’t seen your closest friends and family members in a while.


Fortunately, states are starting to implement stages of reopening. Most government officials have mandated that small gatherings of 10 or fewer people are safe.


With this in mind, now’s the time to plan a family gathering. You can throw some burgers and hot dogs on the grill and have a small backyard barbecue or pool party.


If you’re looking for something to do with the kids, you can turn the backyard into a camping experience or entertain them with movies under the stars.


For anyone expecting a bundle of joy, looking at gender reveal ideas. throwing a celebration is a great way to interact with your loved ones.


You can have a small cookout, a catered lunch, or dinner, play some games, spend time catching up, and, finally using gender reveal powder as a grand finale. 


things to do when you can't travel, gardening with kids




All this extra time on your hands creates the perfect opportunity for you to pick up a hobby. Hobbies can help you find a level of joy and pleasure you may be missing by not getting to travel.


They allow you, for a while, to get lost in doing something you enjoy. You can create a studio for painting, pottery, or sculpting. Maybe you’d prefer to start a garden, sew, take photos, start a collection, or write a book or blog.


Hobbies are great for personal development. The soul craves something to be progressing in. Find something you are passionate about and develop your skill in it. It will be both rewarding and developing.


Whatever your personal interests are, it can be nice to take time off from “life” and invest some of your time and energy into them. 


Summer is by far one of the most popular times of year to travel. Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, however, many have had to cancel or postpone their summer vacations.


Though shelter in place, social distancing, and travel restrictions may have poked holes in your plans to enjoy the summer, all is not lost.


Fun expeditions and excitement can still be had. Consider giving some of the above-mentioned things to do when you can’t travel. They may help you pass the time and enjoy the season.

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