If you’re doing some organizing or cleaning of closets, attics, or garages, there’s a good chance you’ve come upon some cool retro gadgets from the 90s or earlier. The 90s were a magical time for new beginnings.


Any 90s kid knows how the new technologies of that decade helped shape the technology we know today. And honestly, those retro gadgets shaped some of the best years of our lives!


From gaming consoles to camcorders, technology was at the edge of a massive uptick in advancement. And we were lucky enough to watch it all from the beginning. This means, you probably have a few dusty relics of these retro gadgets hanging around. 


If you are planning to go through old stuff, and you were obsessed with technology and the retro gadgets of the 90s, then going through your basement, attic, closets, and garage is going to be like exploring a goldmine.


Prepare for all the feels. The nostalgia of touching your first gaming console, or remembering moments from old pictures… it’s an enjoyable task at times. Others not so much.


There is a lot of forgotten stuff that has been left for ages. Some of it is surprisingly still good to use. And many find that their retro gadgets sell for a nice amount on the aftermarket.


Moreover, the 90s gadgets are very durable and built to last. Some of them might still be functioning well so you can use them to have a lot of fun, and channel your inner nerd! In the meantime, check out our list of some of the more popular retro gadgets from the 90s and see if you have any of these dusty old relics in your collection.

retro gadgets, sega 16-bit

Awesome Retro Gadgets From the ’90s

Sega Game Console

If you’re a fan of retro gadgets then you will surely know this one. The Sega game console.


Decades before the Xbox and PlayStation, there were years when kids enjoyed the 90s game consoles to a great extent. They were the perfect birthday and Christmas gifts for every boy and girl.


Sega introduced its innovative invention in the early 90s and everybody was in awe. There was a portable game console that kids could pack up and take with them.


This meant hours of uninterrupted fun even when kids had to spend time on their own. It was the first time people could actually pick a game and enjoy it while they are on the go.


Thinking about it now, we know that it was nothing compared to the video games adults and kids enjoy today. It went through batteries fast and it was rather expensive.


Nevertheless, it reminds us of the best years when everything was possible.


The HP LX100

This laptop is probably the legitimate parent of all the laptops you get to use today making is a classic among 90s retro gadgets. It ran on 2 alkaline batteries and featured a great keypad that allowed you to type comfortably.


It lacked most of the features that you can enjoy today in a compact laptop but you could use the MS-DOS 5.0 to run a few simple programs.


Students definitely enjoyed using this retro gadget laptop as it was more practical to use than a typewriter.


The Polar Heart Monitor

You may or may not remember this one, but it’s a staple among retro gadgets. These heart monitors were and are still crucial in the gear of any fitness enthusiast.


If your parents were trying to stay fit or embarked on a journey of weight loss and lifestyle transformation, then you would definitely find one of these cool gadgets in your attic.


The company offered the first heart monitor back in the early 80s but in the mid-90s they created their innovative wrist-based heart monitor that people can wear all day long and take anywhere they want. People who were into cardio and vigorous exercises found it very useful as it showed how a person’s heart rate changed with physical effort.


This is why a lot of gym goers and fitness enthusiasts insisted on wearing this wrist device all day long in order to keep an eye on their physical well-being. It was quite trendy for a long period of time.


Today, you can find more innovative models that measure your pulse, and heart rate, in addition to your blood pressure, the calories you are burning, and the fat you are losing. A lot of people find these devices helpful because they are able to keep an eye on their fitness progress.


If things go out of control, they know when to stop. But they can also tell when it’s time to work a little more.

retro gadgets, psion organizer

The Psion 3A Organizer

This amazing device was a great addition to students’ backpacks and a well-known favorite among retro gadgets. Instead of carrying a notebook, students would carry this cool gadget, write notes and highlight important dates.


It could store dates, phone numbers, and important notes in a portable gadget that you can easily put into your backpack for school or for a day out.


It featured 8 different applications that cater to the various needs of users. This was probably one of the first devices that offered multiple functions in one single device and a lot of people found it very useful.


It also had a power saving mode to make sure that it will last for a long time.

retro gadgets,

The Sony Handycam DCR-VX1000

This is one of the most popular retro gadgets found in every 90s home. Thanks to it, every family was able to record its very family movies for unforgettable memories.


This is definitely the grandfather of all the amazing digital cams we use today to record our homemade videos. It is portable, easy to use and the results were always spectacular.


People loved how practical this Handycam was. It was used to record birthdays, wedding parties, and graduation celebrations because it could be easily carried out.


The resolution and video clarity were exceptional. Moreover, people were able to transfer videos from and to the computer which was a big plus.


Final Thoughts

Going through your attic and opening the closed boxes is a chance to get rid of all the forgotten clutter. At the same, it is a great opportunity to remember the past and enjoy the nostalgia. 


Yeah, it’s a daunting task and not one that anyone much looks forward to, but you’ll get to remember your youth! And it will be fun to touch on such memories and tinker around with some of these retro gadgets should you come upon them.


Nia is an Associate Editor at The Fairytale Traveler and self diagnosed travel junkie. Having traveled to 5 of the 7 continents, her love of good food and culture is a force to be reckoned with. When she isn't off adventuring with her husband, which she writes about on her blog CircaWanderlust, she can be found with a good cup of tea cuddling her pups and taking pictures of her food. She loves black and white movies and could listen to Elvis on repeat.

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