I was hosted by Kia Motors USA on an all expenses paid trip to Santa Barbara, California but that in no way shapes my opinions in this story. Additional partner Dramamine® Non-Drowsy Naturals


Travel means a lot of things to different people. Hell, it means a lot of things to me! But the most meaningful travel seems to be recognized when you’ve either met someone, shared something special with someone or faced a physical challenge. And of course, when you put all those things together, you have a trifecta of meaningfulness. I was lucky enough to have recently experienced this travel mecca with my Kia family on our trip to Santa Barbara, California where we did many incredible things. But, for the sake of this article, I’m going to tell you about the day I went sea cave kayaking in (what I would later find out were) shark-infested waters at Channel Islands National Park.


Sea cave kayaking channel islands national park california 700x1742 1


Top image photo credit: Joe’s Daily


Sea Cave Kayaking at Channel Islands National Park with Kia – When I Thought I Couldn’t Do It


We had just spent the last two days enjoying the beautiful coastal destination of Santa Barbara, California where stayed at the five-star luxury El Encanto Hotel. A perfect setting to experience the new Kia Optima SXL and the Kia Cadenza. And, the perfect setting to meet new bloggers and gather with returning ones. Our sea cave kayaking adventure was perfectly timed. We had just enough time to connect and make new friends in the days leading to our trip. Many laughs and moments gathered around great food and wine already filling up my phone’s storage space.


Kayaking Channel Islands National Park


As we journeyed the hour and a half ferry trek alongside playful dolphins and lazy sea lions to the Channel Islands, I still had no idea how special or challenging this day would be. I also had no idea how nauseating a ferry in the Pacific Ocean would be. Thankfully I had my Dramamine® Non-Drowsy Naturals on hand (I can’t say the same for some others). Tip: If you’re making this trek, I recommend you take it 30 minutes before you board.


Our arrival brought immediate excitement as we geared up with Roxy, California Republic, and REI. Donning our helmets and life jackets we listened to the guide as he uncovered the dangers that awaited us. I went from calm to nervous, something I rarely feel. I remember thinking, “maybe this is a bad idea, what if I can’t do it?”. No one around me would know that I was totally freaking out.


“Maybe this is a bad idea”


Kayaking Channel Islands National Park


A deep breath and my tenacious need to conquer my own fears aren’t the only things that lifted my kayak into the cold and wild waters ahead of me. It was being surrounded by dear friends and knowing that they would be braving this adventure with me. That was everything. And the fact that I didn’t have to hurl was a big bonus too. My trusted Dramamine® Non-Drowsy Naturals were a day saver for sure. If you’re like me and can’t handle being sleepy when there’s adventure afoot, give them a try. They are the first non-drowsy solution for motion sickness made with a full clinically-tested ginger dosage required to prevent and treat motion sickness. This means it’s effective, natural and safe. Not feeling ill was a huge help on the nerves.


“What if I can’t do it?”


Kayaking Channel Islands National Park
My partner and all around badass Cristin Casados the Naptime Reviewer


Two by two we launched until we were like a floating machine. First, we tested our ability to control our vessels around razor-sharp barnacle covered rocks. Then, we made our journey to the edge of the island, paddling in and out of caves dug out millions of years ago by Mother Nature. Surrounded by swells much stronger than anything our manpower could contend with, we were at the mercy of the sea and its massive colony of kelp.


But we did it. And we rocked it. We came together, feared together, struggled together, laughed together and overcame together.


Now that is rare. So rare, you’re lucky to have it happen once in your life. And what you take away from an experience like that is more than photos for your Facebook page and deeper than the memory of a beautiful destination. That type of experience stays with you for life. We all dug deep and overcame something I bet many of us thought would be very difficult. And from start to finish I never had an inkling of motion sickness for the win.


Back on dry land, I spent the rest of the day totally pumped and feeling like a boss. At a dusty picnic table surrounded by the team and one island fox, we were all empowered.


About Dramamine® Non-Drowsy Naturals


Dramamine® is America’s number one over-the-counter product for the treatment of motion sickness, helping to prevent and relieve nausea and vomiting associated with the motion sickness. It is the only leading brand for motion sickness, with products available for adults as well as children two years and over. It has been my go-to for years, a life saver for anything that involves unusual motion (like flights, cruises, windy roads and bumpy buses).


Kayaking Channel Islands National Park

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Dramamine(R). The opinions and text are all mine.

Share how you fight motion sickness! Use the #Keepitmoving hash on socials and tell your story!


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson


  1. Pingback: Driving the PCH from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara

  2. darlingceo Reply

    This looks like so much fun! I would love to go. Awesome pictures/

  3. This look like so much fun. I would not be able to do it by myself but I would love to do it with a group of people. It look so calming as well.

  4. Looks like such a fun trip! I really want to visit California one day and when I do, I’ll be sure to stop by Santa Barbara. Thanks for sharing xx

  5. Really nice. That looks like so much fun that I will have to do in the future. Being in water always calms me.

  6. I have always wanted to try kayaking, but I can’t swim so I am really hesitant. It looks like so much fun.

  7. It’s so cool that you pushed through and ended up doing this. I love kayaking and I’d love to do it out there!

  8. Pam Wattenbarger Reply

    We have used Dramamine for years on car trips with the kids! It really does work. I think that kayaking trip would be so much fun too.

  9. I am so bummed we missed this adventure our our latest trip out to CA! My family loves to kayak locally, but getting to go through the sea caves sounds amazing!

  10. What a great adventure! I love the kayaking, and I really love those sea lions! Nature rocks!

  11. My family just tried kayaking for the first time this summer and we all LOVED it. Looks like you chose a fabulous location.

  12. I’m glad you went through with it despite getting second thoughts. I think it’s awesome that you got to experience kayaking through the sea! It’s definitely unforgettable and it will teach you a lot about yourself!

  13. You sure picked a nice spot to kayak. I would love to see those sea caves and the sea lions up close too. What an amazing adventure! I am hoping we get to go there next summer. California sure has a lot of fun activities to offer!

  14. This looks so much fun! I’d love to visit one day with the family! Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Elizabeth O Reply

    What a great adventure, this looks so much fun and enjoyable. I would love to try this kayak some day.

  16. This trip is on my bucket list. I am visiting Ventura next week but will have my 4 year old grand daughter in tow. She is not ready yet but soon. Thank you for sharing.

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