It is important to budget for your vacation so that you don’t break the bank. There are various vacation budget planning techniques, including tips on how to save money for vacation without taking away any fun.


Saving money while on vacation would be the ultimate budgeting achievement. And with a little vacation budget planning, you can have fun on any kind of vacation with our effective budget and money-saving guide.


Having a vacation budget and following money-saving tips will actually increase the level of fun you have. Imagine having fun on holiday while knowing that your finances are safe and secure.


Not only will you be able to enjoy your vacation without worrying about overspending, but you can also use the money you save to do even more fun activities or extend your trip. With a little bit of vacation budget planning and research, you can have a memorable vacation without breaking the bank.


For example: there are companies that provide promotional codes, or vouchers, to their customers when they shop online. Companies like EasyJet Holidays get promotional codes from a voucher code and deals website called Net Voucher Codes.


Using these codes will give you discounts on your trip so that the whole family can enjoy a holiday with these savings from EasyJet


Keep reading for our vacation budget planning ideas and tips!

bucket list adventure travel ideas, sunset at the beach, vacation budget planning

Vacation Budget Planning101

We have all been on a vacation where we spent more money than we wanted to. There are ways that can help you stop overspending money, including vacation budget planning.


Knowing what you are prepared to spend and sticking to your budget will help minimize your worries when on a vacation.


When you vacation budget, you don’t return home having overspent. You won’t put yourself into any unnecessary debt by using money that you don’t have. Having a budget will help you to relax fully.


Also, setting a budget beforehand allows you to prioritize your expenses and allocate funds accordingly, ensuring that you get the most out of your vacation without overspending. Furthermore, It also helps in avoiding any last-minute financial surprises that could ruin your trip.


You should also factor in any additional expenses such as travel insurance, visas, and vaccinations. It’s important to be realistic with your budget and leave some wiggle room for unexpected expenses that may arise during your vacation.


To get started with your vacation budget planning, work out what the average cost of your vacation will be. Keep in mind that costs depend on how many people are going on the vacation, where you’re going, for how long, and during what time of the year.


Do thorough research about all of these costs, and include them in your budget. Some typical vacation cost sections to include in your budget are:

foodie, vacation budget planning

Food and Drinks

Depending on your accommodation, you will have to plan for three meals per day as well as drinks and snacks. This is a big spend on your vacation budget planning, don’t overlook it!


Attractions and Entertainment

There may be excursions or trips that you want to take or shows and other attractions you want to visit. Research the cost of these things beforehand and include them in your vacation budget planning.

save money on vacation, vacation budget planning

Travel Costs

This will use a large sum of your money. This includes everything you need to spend to get to your destinations.


Including fuel, public transport, car hire, flights, trains, boats, parking charges, transfers, taxis, Uber, and any other form of transportation.



This will be one of the main portions of your vacation budget planning. It will take up most of your money, so make sure to choose carefully.


Look at reviews, locations, and distances between accommodations and destinations.


Important Documentation

Travel insurance is an absolute must-have. It covers important things like medical costs. Make sure that your passport meets all requirements. If you need a visa, you have to add it to your budget as well.


Medical Costs

Travel insurance should cover you if needed. But you have to factor in other medical costs, like vaccines, chronic medication, first aid kits, insect repellent, and suncream. Anything that is medically related.

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Add spending money to your budget, so that you don’t go overboard when buying souvenirs and gifts. Be sure to stick to an amount when vacation budget planning. You can break a spending budget fast if you don’t keep track!


Transportation From the Airport to Your Accommodation

Don’t forget to factor in the cost of getting from the airport to your accommodation. Depending on where you are staying, you may need to pay for a shuttle service or a taxi.


Currency Exchange Fees

If you’re traveling to a foreign country, you’ll need to exchange your currency. Keep in mind that you may incur fees for this service, so make sure to include it in your vacation budget planning.



If you plan on using your phone or other communication devices while on holiday, make sure to factor in the cost of roaming charges, data usage, or purchasing a local SIM card.

traveling with pets, train

Pet Care

If you’re leaving pets behind, you may need to pay for pet care services. This could include boarding or pet-sitting fees, food and supplies, and vet visits in case of emergencies.



Tipping customs vary from country to country, so make sure to research and include tipping costs in your budget to avoid any awkward situations.


Emergency Fund

It’s always a good idea to have a backup emergency fund in case unexpected costs arise, such as medical emergencies or flight cancellations. Make sure to allocate some money for this as well.

vacation planning, savings account, piggy bank, money

Money Saving Tips

There are various money-saving tips that you can implement before and during your holiday. Some of these tips are things that you would not have thought about, while others are very easy and straightforward.

  • Create a budget by setting a limit on what you want to spend while on vacation.
  • Do proper research on your destination beforehand.
  • Use comparison websites to get the best travel and accommodation deals.
  • Try to buy your tickets online if it’s cheaper.
  • When booking accommodations and transportation, you may get better deals if you’re flexible with the day and time that you’re willing to travel.
  • Traveling off-peak will save you money.
  • Price comparison websites can give you a range of choices based on different budgets.
  • Use promotional codes and vouchers when paying for something online.
  • Adhere to airline restrictions to avoid excess charges at the airport.
  • Make sure that your accommodation doesn’t include any extra charges that you do not need.
  • It might be cheaper to exchange your currency at the Post Office or your bank instead of the bureaux de change at the airport.
  • Make sure that you can use your debit card at international ATM machines, but keep an eye on the number of your withdrawals.
  • When eating out, make sure that it fits within your budget. Or look for cheaper places to eat.
    If possible, make your own food.
  • Take a packed lunch for your travel day, so that you don’t have to pay for expensive airport food.
  • Planning your own trip, instead of using tour companies, will save money on commission fees.
  • Try getting travel cards for public transportation, or travel passes that let you visit tourist attractions at discounted prices.
  • Make use of possible student or pensioner discounts. Just remember to bring proof of your age.
  • Sites like Airbnb have great offers if you’re booking accommodation.
  • If it’s a family holiday, make use of kids-eat-free or kids-enter-for-free places.
  • Have a backup plan for rainy days.



With a little diligence in vacation budget planning, you can enjoy your vacation without worrying about money. 


By following the vacation budget planning in this article, you can create a realistic budget that takes into account all of your expenses. Additionally, it provides practical advice on how to cut costs while still enjoying your vacation to the fullest.


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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