We all have been loyal fans of the Twilight series – the epic drama that stays in our minds even now. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) were our favorites, to say the least.
BUT!! Have you heard of the Vampire Diaries? Well, if you’re reading this, we hope so.
The major twist in the tale started when the next era of vampires called “The Vampire Diaries” began in 2009. The ever-gorgeous-looking Elena(Nina Dobrev) mesmerized us with her on-screen presence, killing us with her deadly looks as Katherine.
Not to mention the Salvatore brothers “Damon(Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan(Paul Wesley)”, whose gorgeousness in the Vampire Diaries can make any woman fall for them.
However, the story of the Salvatore brothers’ destiny to love the same lady twice is still a fan favorite. Doomed love triangles, sad deaths, witchy loopholes, nice guys doing awful things, and bad guys doing good things are top hits!
Being a lovely partner to Elena, Stefan was more obedient when compared to Damon, who was more aggressive than ever.
To be honest, the story should have focussed more on Elena and Stefan’s love story rather than shifting to Damon and Elena’s new bond love.
The imaginary town of Mystic Falls was the setting for the novel. Other narratives included Elena’s brother, aunt, friends, teachers, and other mystical entities, in addition to these three major protagonists.
The town’s Founder’s Council was formed to protect the settlement against vampires and other supernatural forces. Damon and Stefan were shown as good vampires who attempted to protect mortals from their evil vampire companions.
The quotes shown in this article are one of the most remembered aspects of the series. You’ll love to note these quotes in a book or a diary, whether it’s Damon’s never-ending stream of insensitive remarks, passionate confessions of love, undying devotion, or tear-jerking farewells.
Don’t worry!
We will not give you any spoilers or break the barrel of an interesting story. On the contrary, we are here to delight you with some of the classy one-liners of Damon, Stefan, and Elena.
Let’s get binge-reading the vampire diaries quotes!
Starting with Damon, we have compiled some of his best quotes that will make you laugh and giggle.
The Best Vampire Diaries Quotes
Some famous quotes from Damon
“If I had to hear the word Doppelganger one more time then I will have to know how to spell it,” said Damon
He refers to Elena’s Doppelganger as Katherine, whom he hates.
“It’s cool I’ve grown old, I like to be the eternal stud”. Said, Damon
He admires his looks in the mirror and appreciates himself.
“Believe it or not Stefan, some girls don’t need my persuasion, some girls just can’t resist my good looks, my style, and my charm and my flinching ability to listen to Taylor swift”. Said Damon.
He is speaking to Stefan about his personality.
“You want a love that consumes you, you want passion and adventure and even a little danger”. Said Damon.
He is speaking to Elena’s long-lost memory.
“Because when people see good they expect good,” said Damon
During one of Damon’s and Elena’s numerous private conversations, Elena questioned why he never showed his “nice” side to others. Damon is practically a hero in later seasons, but in the beginning, he rarely let on that he had a good heart beneath layers and layers of snark.
Damon’s retort to Elena was heartbreaking in and of itself. He admitted that he disliked displaying that aspect of himself since it caused others to have expectations of him, which he wasn’t sure he could always achieve.
“I would rather spend every moment of agony than erase the memory of you”.
Damon conveys to Elena that he would not want to erase a memory of her.
“I just have to say it once. You just need to hear it. I love you, Elena”.
Damon expresses his sentiments, but Stefan’s apology for forcing him to become a vampire is still fresh in Damon’s memory.
So Damon, who honestly believes he is unworthy of anyone’s love, including Elena’s, resigns himself to confessing her and erasing the memories.
“You better watch your back because I may just need to go get a hero hairdo of my own and steal your thunder.”
Damon displays an unexpectedly tender side by assisting Rose in finding peace and pleasure in her final hours. When confronted by Stefan about his kindness to Rose and his feelings for her, Damon wants to maintain his bad-boy reputation.
Next up is the vicious Katherine (Nina Dobrev).
Some famous quotes from Katherine
“Go ahead Stefan, torture me, drain me of my blood till my body turns to dust but it will never change the truth, I never compelled your love.”
Katherine says this quote when Stefan keeps her captive with chains attached to her hands. On the other hand, Stefan goes down memory lane when they are deeply in love.
“Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar”?
Katherine returns to Mystic Falls. However,