With the constant academic workload, testing requirements, and stress that students experience, the importance of family involvement in students’ success should not be underestimated.


High school and college are the most difficult periods in the life of many young people. The academic workload during this time is so high that many students can`t handle the studying process and all their assignments on their own.


They start wondering, “Who can I pay to write a paper for me?” and then end up ordering an essay from academic writers online. In this complex period, they require family support to facilitate stress and become more confident in their success.


Why is family support so important? Students need to be sure that they have someone around who understands their difficulties, can listen to their problems, and just believes in them.


One of the key aspects of the success of every student is the level of family encouragement and help in the studying process.


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Family Involvement In Students’ Success: How To Boost Academic Performance 

Reasons Behind the Importance of Family Involvement 


When both parents are actively involved in their kids’ education, they’re not left to ask their classmates or educational services, “Can you do my math homework for me?” because they have someone at home to help.


With parents’ participation in the studying process, students get encouragement, are exposed to additional knowledge, and may even develop a passion for learning.


Students whose parents are involved show more motivation, attention in the classroom, and better grades. Family involvement is now considered one of the proven ways to create a positive environment for learning and encourages meaningful parent-teacher communication.


However, for some reason, many parents underestimate the importance of family involvement in kids’ education and delegate this task to their teachers. Educators and psychologists believe that the involvement of family means sharing the responsibility for the education of a student between school and parents.


It is realized when teachers ask parents to join school meetings and also help their children when they are at home. It means they set priorities to motivate students and build collaboration with their teachers.


Teachers can only recommend something and guide the student through the educational process. They may tell the parents how they can commit, but the importance of family involvement lies in providing insights that teachers don`t know to make studying more effective and enrich it.


After the ESS Act stating that every college student has the right to succeed, the educators` focus has shifted to a bigger engagement of parents in the educational process. It happens by giving them more relevant resources, letting them participate in school life, and assisting them in keeping an eye on the students` progress. 


Teachers also partner with mothers and fathers to set specific goals and help their kids reach them. The part of family involvement has been studied in several cases and reports. They can be summarized with the following points:


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Academic Performance Grows


This is the main argument that proves the importance of family involvement. The more parents are interested in their children’s success in education, the better the results are.


In this case, they may not even need academic and essay writing help.


Classroom Behavior Becomes Better


Family support also has a positive influence on students` approach to school and overall behavior. If parents encourage children to study, it can raise their self-esteem and lead to them becoming more motivated and eager to attend classes.


Success Starts with Preschool


Parents should care about their kids` education, not just in high school and college when the stress reaches the highest point, but from preschool. Students need encouraging love to learn from the youngest years.


Of course, high school is also a critical time for support since it can affect whether your child will study successfully or drops out.


If parents don`t talk with their kids about the necessity of getting to college, they may not consider it at all or delegate all their tasks to other services instead of studying (for example, many students order an essay if they don`t like spending time on writing).


Connection Grows


According to statistics, children from low-income families experience the lack of their parents’ support more often. They can study as successful as their peers if their parents devote some time to motivate and take part in the educational process.


Schools Encourage Parents


Family support is more likely to appear when schools are actively looking for different ways to get parents interested and offer specialized programs to educate parents on how to take part in the education of their kids.


Schools Benefit From Family Support


When mothers and fathers are involved in the studying process, they start appreciating the difficulties that teachers often experience in the classrooms.


They feel support and communication with parents help them better understand their students and teach them more effectively.


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Children Benefit From Parents’ Attention


Interest in education creates better communication and a tight connection between a student and their parents.


Parents better understand the subjects included in the school curriculum, evaluate the quality of education, and monitor the achievements. Parents spend more time with kids and even get inspired to improve their own education in the process. 


The lack of spare time is the main barrier between active parental involvement in the educational process. Many parents underestimate the importance of family involvement and choose remote communication to stay informed about their children’s achievements.


Besides, not all school staff is actively looking for parents` support and participation in the life of their children. Both teachers and parents should cooperate to find ways to support family involvement in students’ success.


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