You may be thinking of the sake with gold. That’s right, real gold! Since its establishment in 1873, Kamotsuru Sake has reached the epitome of extols in the sake industry.
Hailing from one of the biggest Sake regions of Japan, Kamotsuru today is a prominent name among the sake connoisseurs. Featured image source CCL
Here in the United States, we enjoy sake with our cuisine, but in Japan, sake is on a whole other level. If you’re familiar with this culture, then you are probably familiar with Kamotsuru Sake.
Here is some of the backstory of the sake with gold and why it’s one of the best in sake.

Sake with Gold Real Gold
Has anyone ever told you about the sake with gold? Seems like a myth right? Well it’s not. Kamotsuru Sake is the proud brewer of Daiginjo Tokusei Gold which delights sake enthusiasts with two cherry blossom-shaped gold leaves.
The two gold flake Sakura blossoms are said to represent two cranes who have mated for life.

Kamotsuru Sake Brewing Company
The district of Saijo signifies Hiroshima as the Sake Town is home for the premium sake brewing companies in the country. Saijo is always welcoming visitors to relish the flavor of different seasons, from Shinshu in spring to the Shikomi in winter.
The local character and history come from the set of sake breweries in the region. Kamotsuru Sake Brewing Company is a distinguished name, has begun its operations since 1623, later adopting the brand name, and incorporated in 1918.
Kamotsuru in Japanese translates to brew crane, a bird in the culture that is associated with joy and longevity.
The brand is famous, especially for the premium grade of Ginjo-Shu, the premium grade sake. The company has been a leader in the production, being one of the first breweries to export the daiginjo-shu.

What makes Kamotsuru Unique?
At Kamotsuru, the making of sake is based on an old adage used in the company. Their sake has the blend of mind sweetness, and dryness while being refreshing and tasteful in its best qualities.
For the brewers of Kamotsuru, the sake is not merely about getting the ingredients right, but in finding the essence of craftsmanship in the sake.
The whitewashed Japanese and European inspired architecture is a beauty in itself. The one characteristic feature that sets the Kamotsuru Brewing Company from the rest is its scale.
Generally, sake breweries have only one smokestack, whereas, Kamotsuru has four, which makes it enormous in its production scale.
Not only that, but the appreciation of Kamotsuru Sake also comes from the in-house milling and brewing.
The brewery purchased Japan’s first power-driven rice milling machine in 1898, and with this advanced rice milling techniques succeeded in milling rice to 75%, which was an exceptional percentage at the time.
In 1958, the company successfully launched daiginjo-shu, the first of its kind, with its exclusive brewing techniques. Since then, the rise of Kamotsuru Sake has been unwavering.

Recognition and Accolades
Kamotsuru Sake, with its rich flavor, aroma, and smoothness, is now a much-coveted brand in the entire world. The glory of Kamotsuru went on to be world-renowned and received numerous recognitions.
In the Paris World Exposition in 1900, Kamotsuru was awarded the Honorary Grand prize. As of today, the company has earned over 100 medals at the Japan Sake Awards, including the Gold Medal for 18 consecutive years since 1970.

The Gold Daiginjo Kamotsuru is now one of the world’s most celebrated sakes. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Kamotsuru Gold even made its way to President Obama’s Glass during his visit to Japan in 2014.
Kamotsuru has played a significant role in elevating the esteem of Japanese Sake to the rest of the world. They are taking further steps in educating the world of the brilliance of sakes, with the recently added exhibition room in their remodeled first cellar.
Here, they showcase their best products, and visitors can also learn about the process while tasting the sakes.

In Closing
You don’t have to be traveling to Japan to score Kamotsuru Sake or its magical golden blossoms, you can find it online! But if you do plan to travel to Japan, be sure to get really geeky in Tokyo while you’re there.
Indisputably, as long as flavors matter, then the delicious sakes will continue to bring prosperity to the Kamotsuru brand name.
The famed sake with gold is a great talkpiece. Perhaps you might consider printing out some of this history and placing it in a card if you choose to gift this to someone special.