Last year was the first time I had the opportunity to visit the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta. At the time they were featuring a Labyrinth exhibit. I spent about three hours reliving my childhood as I snapped photos of the Dark Crystal, Fraggle Rock, Sesame Street, the Muppets and other amazing puppets who have made an impact on pop culture. Now, a year later, I was back to experience the Dark Crystal World of Myth and Magic exhibit as Netflix gears up for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance which is slated to premiere this year.


The Dark Crystal World of Myth and Magic at the Center for Puppetry Arts



The Dark Crystal and How it Inspired Me


The Dark Crystal has become a cult classic but it has always been near and dear to my heart as it was among several fantasy films which inspired my obsession with fairy tales, folklore, magic, and myth. If you grew up in the 80’s it was hard not to be exposed to fantastic and otherworldly influences. Before the internet, smartphones and social media, we had no choice but to use our imaginations to entertain ourselves. And films like this opened up a world of possibilities.


As a kid growing up in upstate New York in a hundred-year-old home, I had this amazing attic where I would imagine myself in another realm. I would draw magical maps and create secret hiding spots. My dolls and toys were all gifted with magic and I was a warrior princess. When I looked out of the triangle shaped window into our giant yard, the glittering fireflies made it all seem that much more real.