I’ve been a solid fan of the Google Home speaker and hub since I bought it last winter. It’s become somewhat of an inanimate family member around our house. So, when I was asked to review the Sonos One, I was a little apprehensive. But, since I am a tech geek, I wanted to know just how much more the Sonos One could do. And since I am an Amazon Prime member, I figured I’d be doing my tech geekdom a serious injustice if I turned this one down. Best Buy sent me product for the sake of this Sonos One review. This in no way shaped my opinions in this post.


Each day it seems like we are living in an episode of the Jetsons. From vacuums that you program to clean while you are away to doorbells that allow you to see who is at your front door, our lives are intertwining with technology in new and exciting ways. And it was only a matter of time before that cool blend of technology and convenience came together for the sake of music.


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So how did the Sonos One play out for me?


With an air of guilt, I unplugged my Google Home and started the launch process for the Sonos One. First I’d like to note that the packaging for this product is very eye catching, with a chic black and white design. The speaker itself is much heavier than what I thought it would be which I would later understand, is because the sound is so good.
Setting the device up in my home was very simple. It was as easy as downloading the app, hooking up the power and connecting to my wi-fi. Since I have an Amazon account I was able to log in and connect that to my Sonos. I also had to install the Amazon Alexa app which keeps a history of everything you ask Alexa to do. It also serves as a hub of all your applications for the Sonos, as well as your lists for shopping and things to do.
sonos one review
If you spend some time in the app you will see a list of things you can try with your Sonos using the Alexa command so you familiarize yourself with its artificial intelligence.
sonos one 1
As far as functionality goes, it took me some time to really get the hang of the way this works as compared to my Google Home, but once I got it down it was easy. You do have to have an account with a music service to use the play music option. Apart from music here are the things I find most useful about the Sonos One:
  • Shopping list making
  • To do list making
  • Math
  • Questions for the internet
  • Weather
  • News
  • Voice controlled volume
  • Voice calling
  • Voice Texting
  • Alarms/timers
  • Notifications
  • Connecting to my calendars
  • Controlling smart devices
Enabling Skills
This really confused me at first. But I understand now that since the Sonos One with the Alexa interface is so intelligent, you have to choose what skills work best for you lifestyle. For example, I chose to have the Daily Show skill added to my profile so I can get my news updates from the daily show.
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More About Sonos One

The Sonos One blends amazing sound quality with the convenience and wonder of Amazon Alexa. You can now ask Alexa to turn up the volume while you’re in the shower and use your voice to play songs with effortless hands-free control. You can combine voice with the Sonos app to manage all your music in one place: Amazon Music, Spotify, Apple Music, Internet radio, and other streaming services are compatible.


With the Sonos One, you can transform your house into a musical amphitheater! If you have other Sonos speakers, it will connect wirelessly with them so playing music in every room is as easy as “Alexa…”


Anyone in the house can take charge of the music since Alexa is voice controlled. Your friends can request songs or your kids can reply a favorite, all without needing to access an app or remote! Alexa are continually updating with new features, services, and skills, your music and voice options will both keep getting better over time with a Sonos One in your home.




The Sonos One took a little extra time to configure than what I’m used to but it was pretty user-friendly. It’s a very intelligent device and personalizing it to your lifestyle makes it a little more of a challenge to set up but totally worth it. Plan to spend about an hour from start to finish to get it working the way you want to.


Head over to Best Buy to add this amazing speaker to your home!


The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.


Christa Thompson is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Fairytale Traveler. She started traveling the world in 2003 when she attended a summer abroad study at the University of Cambridge in England. Since then, her wanderlust has been fierce. Her three passions in life are her son, traveling, and being creative. The Fairytale Traveler brand gives Christa the opportunity to do all of these things and to live intentionally every day. "It's never too late to believe in what you love and to pursue your dreams." -Christa Thompson

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